Chapter 7

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Skeppy POV:
"My name, is Wilbur."

The name Wilbur didn't seem all that familiar. I didn't remember meeting him, or even hearing of him.

"Well, nice to meet ya," I said, "How did you know my name?"

He was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking. Then he responded, "you don't exactly have a small reputation."

I laughed at that, it was true. I was often seen as the leader of the outlaws. So much so, the government had put a 75 grand bounty on my head, which was only 4th to Techno, Dream and a 2 others. My status was one I was proud of.

"Well, Wilbur, what's the news?"

He took a deep breath, I noticed the intensity in his eyes, "Schlatt & co has already began moving. The first virus has been developed."

Those words shook me like an earthquake. I stared at him, shocked. He wore a grim expression. I felt dread coil through me.

"A-are you serious? The first virus shouldn't be created for another 5 months! Projects haven't even appeared yet!"

Wilbur gave me a sad look, before taking another deep inhale, "I'm afraid someone else has been back in time before us. And moreover, I've already developed my powers."

"Those damn orange marks," I muttered through my gritted teeth.

"Did your friends get their abilities yet?" Wilbur asked, I shook my head.

"I don't think so. If they did, Bad should be the first one, Dream developed later. A6d is a non."

"That's good. You should probably gather them before they do. The government has already caught a few of the stupid ones."

"There's no way they would believe me!"

"Well, it's worth a shot." He was right.

Suddenly, my phone rang again. It wasn't Bad.

Techno's POV
The sky was a deep crimson, almost like blood. The expanse was stunning, yet oddly menacing. It looked as if something more than danger was around the corner.

Just then, I heard the distinct creek of a floorboard behind me. I spun around from the window.


No bark. It was quiet. Far too quiet. Normally I liked quiet. Not today. Maybe I'm just hearing things.

I turn back to observe the sky. The moon was up, glowing a bright, vibrant white sheen. Breathtaking. Nights like this, I should feel at peace. And yet, I felt a deep tension brewing in my blood. A feeling, almost like fear.

Why'd Phil and Tommy gotta leave me home alone?"

Normally, when I'm stressed, I'd just go mess with Tommy, or go to Mom friend Phil. Unfortunately, Tommy was at Bitzel's place, and Phil was visiting home. I was a lonely person with no friends, so I didn't have anyone I could call. Except him. But he was annoying, and I just couldn't seem to trust him.

Suddenly, A single, loud bark interrupted my thought. Just for a second. Then, there was no more.

"Floof?" I called out again. No answer.

I stood up and walked to the door. I reached for the kn-


The sound of smashing glass. I busted out the door, "WHAT THE F-"

In the center of the living room, there was a man dressed in complete black. He had smashed my window. In his hand was some sort of syringe.

My eyes flickered between his hand and his eyes. His intense stare made it clear he wanted to fight. To kill. I felt a slight rush of adrenaline. Not from fear, but from excitement. It was strange, was I excited to hurt someone?

Suddenly, the man lunged forward, throwing his larger weight against me. I sidestepped, he turned and struck again. This time I ducked. It was instinctive. I had never fought before, and yet, I felt as if I had done this a million times.

Reaching up, I grabbed his wrist and yanked it down. I aimed his jaw as I did. He let out a yelp of pain. I pushed him back, before sending a sidekick to his jaw. He flew backwards with a loud thud. Soon, Floof bounded over and bit him in the butt.

Way to kill steal, Floof.

I stared at the unconscious body. This man. He's far too reckless to be a robber. Which meant he was sent. I didn't know who in the world would want to kill me. All I did was stabbed people online and read books all day.

I walked over and pried the syringe from his hands. His grip was incredibly tight, as if he really couldn't lose this thing.

Then, I reached for my phone, dialing the cops. Suddenly, a rush of doubt went through me. My gut began to squirm. Hesitation to call the police? I never trusted them very much, but to blatantly hesitate? That's new.

I couldn't call Phil, he was in England. I didn't want to put Tommy in danger. And so, with a deep breath, I dialed another number. A number that was forcefully given to me. The other guy I can call.


"Hello? Is this Skeppy?"

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