Chapter 15

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Techno's POV
The blade felt nice in my hand, even better against the man's stomach. He went down silently and effortlessly. I hadn't realized who I saved, until they called to me. It was a surprise, but a welcome one.

"Dream?" I asked. He looked a mess, how many days was he in here? Next to him, was someone wearing glasses. I had seen him sneak in and followed.

"You're drenched in blood!" The guy said, his face was concerned, "how many times did you get shot?!"

I shrugged, "Lost count. They'll heal." He just looked at me, wide-eyed.

I hadn't known I was engineered to fight, until I needed to. I was captured into a different facility. There, I was beat and tortured. Only when they tried to execute me, that I realized my ability. I regenerated everything. As in, I did not die.

Suddenly, a guard behind me charged over, plunging a knife deep into my shoulder. I didn't even flinch, hardly felt a scratch. Smirking, I pulled it out and whipped across his neck. He dropped dead with a groan in pain. I noticed Dream cringe.

"Are you gonna join the party?" I asked, motioning to the chaos outside. The place was on fire.

He raised an eyebrow, "I'll pass."

"We should get out of here," Glasses said, helping Dream up. I crouched down to wipe my blade off with the man's shirt.

"The place is surrounded, you're gonna have to fight your way out," I warned.

I looked up at them, "you guys don't look like you're in the state to fight."

"Well, your help would be appreciated," Dream responded.

I smirked, "follow me."

George's POV
Watching Techno was horrifying. We just stared as he charged into groups of soldiers, whipping through them with his blade. He didn't flinch to any pain, not even staggering once. And even scarier, he was sadistic. He attacked people without provocation, going out of his way to hurt. It was as if he were a machine.

I had never seen a project in action so close. It was honestly chilling. Techno's veins glowed a bright pink, although, it seemed more red by now.

He moved to pierce a trembling guard. The guy looked young, around our age. He looked over to Dream and I, flashing a pleading look. In that moment, I dashed forward and yanked Techno's arm back.

"That's enough," I gritted, "you don't have to kill everyone."

He turned over to me, his eyes were cold, calculating. He pulled out of my grip. The guard seemed frozen in fear.

"Maybe I want to. You never know who could snitch. You have family, don't you? They could be in danger if anyone knew you were here."

I opened my mouth to yell at him, before Dream grabbed my shoulder. He gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Techno, killing everyone is bad rep for the projects. If we want justice from the government, we can't do this," he said.

Techno scoffed, "who cares about the government? They're all nerds. If we gathered enough projects, we can just get rid of it."

Dream seemed taken aback for a second, "Are you suggesting anarchy, Techno?" He asked, his voice was dark.

Techno didn't respond. He looked over to the guard, before mouthing the word 'scram'. The guard didn't have to be asked twice. He then turned back to us.

"Maybe I am, Dream. Maybe I am."

Dream said nothing, he and Techno just stared each other down. I felt the intensity between their gaze. It was becoming suffocating.

"We should hurry up and go," I said, stepping between the towering figures. It seemed to diffuse the situation a little, although, there was still the thin air of fresh tension.

Skeppy's POV:
"Hey! Did you seen the news?" A6d called from across the room. I looked over.

"Apparently, the projects in Facility #8 broke out. 21 guards dead."

I grin, "are you kidding? That's awesome!"

Bad frowned from beside me, "not the death count. We might lose support from that city."

I didn't really care about support. We could probably beat anyone who opposes us anyways. You get nowhere from being a pacifist.

Spifey sighed, "good news or not, we need to get in contact with them before they get recaptured."

He turned to Mega.

"Mega? Can you try hacking into the system? Check the profiles of the runaways."

Mega nodded in response and got to work with his technopath ability.

Bad looked at me. His voice was hush.

"Do you think...Dream could be one of the escapees?"

He sounded hopeful. The most hopeful I had heard him in days. We've been losing a lot of bases and people recently.

I sighed and combed my hand through my hair. It was highly unlikely. Someone at Dream's level would likely be executed already. Even so, I smiled and nodded.

I didn't want to see Bad upset anymore. Everyday, he pretends to be optimistic for the sake of everyone else. When everyone else was despairing, he kept motivating. Without him, we might've given up by now. That's why, if even for a second, he is truly happy, I would let him have it.

The corners of his lips seemed to curl, his eyes became a little more lively.
The hope on his face seemed to radiate in the room. Just barely, I felt the atmosphere lighten. It was then, that I knew, I cherished these people from the bottom of my heart. Perhaps I was sent back to realize this.

Character Profile: Technoblade
Status: Project
Alignment: Anarchy
Ability: Undying (Resistant to Pain, incredible regeneration)
Threat Level: 9/10

Note: I really love the idea of a Techno-Dream rivalry so you might see a lot of that now.

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