A tea party with the Dead. (Des Au)

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Xisuma stared up at the manor. The building cast an impressive silhouette, the dark clouds quickly gathering behind not helping the imposing build, nor was the dark oak wood and Andesite the building was primarily made of. Its lawn appeared tidy at first glance, but looking closer revealed a different story. The grass was to long, weeds poked through the few flower beds that were dotted around, and the bushes that sat under the windows were untamed, growing up the side of the building wildly. The windows were dark, through xisuma swore he saw movement behind them. The moment Xisuma took a step into the yard, a sudden chill sent itself his spine. He took out his communicator.

X- hey

X- can someone come here?

Ren- Where?

False- sure

Cleo- whats up?

X- i found something weird behind the graveyard.

A few moments later a small group consisting of Cleo, False,Ren, Iskall, Mumbo and Xisuma had gathered outside. The group was silent, taking in the Atmosphere of the build, Mumbo being the first to speak.

"This looks like a Grian build..."


"It just." Mumbo gestured wildly at the manor. "It looks like something Grian would at least plan...." He looked back and forth at the group. "I'm not crazy, am I?"

Ren stared up at the manor. "No, this is definitely something Grian would design my dudes.."

A silent nod echoed through the group.

"I guess we should go in then.." Iskall gave a weak smile. Xisuma stepped back into the yard, a similar chill running up his spine.

The room was dark, the few lights that were there only seemed to barely to keep the mobs away. A grand hallway stretched in front of them door on either side, and a grand staircase at the end.

"..ok!" Xisuma broke the heavy silence. "Hows this-Mumbo and Iskall, you two check out the upstair bit, Ren and False, you take the right and Cleo and I will take the left?"

"Uhhh sounds good to me?" Mumbo said, nodding to iskall, the pair slowly headed toward the grand staircase. Ren and false stepped into the first door on the right and Xisuma and cleo opened the door on the left.

Xisuma swore for a solid second he saw a pair of white-blue eyes flash as he scanned the room, but when he looked back, there was nothing. He sighed and began to wander the room. It was a kitchen, deck out with everything a kitchen would need. The stovetop was slightly dirty, as if someone had recently clean and then cooked with it. Several dirty plates sat in the sink.

"Well that's weird." Cleo said, holding open one of the cabinets. Xisuma looked in. Several small bundles of chorus fruit populated the lower shelf, but the upper two held ender pearls and bottles of some mysterious liquid. Cleo reached up and took a bottle, popping the lid in the process. She snift the liquid. "...chorus fruit? But syrup?"

Xisuma took the bottle and smelt the syrup. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Why would someone make and bottle chorus syrup? And this much of it?"

Cleo shrugged, before moving on to a nearby door. She pushed it open, revealing the next room.

A large dark table spread out before her, in between the many chairs, she could see a light grey table cloth covering the table top. Lit candles perched on tall candelabras, their wax dramatically dripping down to create stalactites of wax on their holders. Cleo wandered around the centerpiece table.

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