Chapter 8

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I can do this, I told myself as I made way to the gymnasium.

And I have to admit, many of the other dresses are much puffier than mine. One girl actually had a long train behind.

But I couldn't recognize anyone since everyone wore masks.

At the front of the gymnasium (The Ballroom. If I don't say it, Izzy will probably murder me), a large banner was hanging. There were carnations decorating the door.

It was crowded. Couples coming in, friends complimenting eachothers dresses. A little teasing too.

I soon went inside and my jaw dropped. It looked no where near the gymnasium I've seen. The bleachers were all removed. The windows were decorated with silver colored drapes and flowers.

Classical music filled the room. Few couples were already waltzing. Many crowded the drinks table. No alcohol of course.

Spotlights were moving around the room; different colors like purple, pale yellow, pink and more. Once in a while flower petals as well as fog were thrown and spewed. I felt like I was in a fairy tale. 

Then I found the girls.

Cecily in a full black dress. Her eyes stood out between her black hair and black dress. Clary in a white and dark green dress with her hair in a beautiful bun. It made it look more red. Isabelle was beautiful in her purple and pink one sleeved dress. And Sophie in a golden dress and her eyes gleaming with joy as she spoke with Clary.

 And Sophie in a golden dress and her eyes gleaming with joy as she spoke with Clary

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I thought of going there but they would find out who I am. So I just stood in the back.

The most awkward thing was many guys were looking at me and smirking. If they knew who I was, they'll probably back away. But hey, let a girl enjoy her night.

I spotted Magnus too who was chatting with Catarina Loss and Malcolm Fade.

"Excuse me." Someone said. I turned and saw a girl. She wore a lavender dress with her blonde hair swept to the side.

"Jessie." I asked.

"Thank god it's you." She exclaimed. "It's really hard to recognize someone with these masks."

She then made me twirl to look at my dress properly and squealed. "You look gorgeous."

"I would say the same to you."

"Just stay out of Miranda's sight. If I stay here for too long, she might get suspicious." 

I nodded.

"Well have a good time." She waved and left.

"Hello everyone." Isabelle called out from the mike. "It's time for the first dance. But now, we're gonna switch off the lights for ten seconds. Everyone is going to just walk around the the dance floor and when the lights are on again, the person in front of you will be your partner. Get ready."

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