Chapter 13

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Nate was here.

He is alive and finally came back.

I last saw him three years ago. And now he's back, like a ghost from my past.

Nate looked at me with uncertainty. He's probably thinking I will bash his head.

But all that years of anger, frustration seemed to fade away for a minute.

With two quick strides, I reached him and hugged him. He was taken aback, but returned it.

"Your back." I breathed.

He let out a small chuckle. "I thought you'll probably beat me up. You were a pretty fierce fourteen year old. I certainly did not expect this."

He was stroked my head slowly, like he used to do if I couldn't sleep at night due to nightmares. I buried my head into his chest and let a few tears out. I practically clung onto him.

But all the happiness that he arrived faded in a second. I was filled with rage that he left me alone for three years without a word.

I pulled away from him and stomp his foot without mercy.

Nate yelped and grabbed his foot. His back hit the wall. "Tessie." He said in disbelief.

"Be lucky I didn't strangle you. You leave for three years, leaving me to deal with our stepmom a.k.a witch . I thought you were dead Nathaniel. And yes, I'm glad to see you here but I think stomping you is the least I could do." I said in outrage. My face was red with rage.

And that's when my stepmother chose to enter.

"What is going on?" She rushed downstairs and glared at me. "Why did you break the-"

She saw Nate and froze. "Nathaniel?"

He let go of the foot he was clutching and faced my stepmom. "I would say it's lovely to see you but I'll regret it."

My stepmom was gawking at him. "What are you doing here?"

"To take back what's mine." He replied shortly.

"And that's our cue to leave." Simon interrupted. Everyone gathered around us in a loose circle.

"I guess it is." Isabelle agreed and smiled at me.

Soon everyone started to leave. Magnus stopped before Nate touched his shoulder. "Nice to see you Magnus." Nate said in reply.

Sophie squeezed my hands for assurance before she left.

And at last, I met Will.

"You look nothing alike him." Will stated. Curse Will for making me smile at times like this. I gave him a playful glare. But he did make me smile.

"I wanted to tell you something. Or better, show you something." He said. "But I think we'll talk later."

I nodded. "Why don't you come by tomorrow."

He smiled in acceptance. He reached for the door but turned back at the last moment. "Since your brother came back, everything's going to change isn't it."

"Guess so."

"Well, hope everything changes for the best." He gave me a last look, a different one I couldn't decipher and left. Will is the puzzle I've always found hard to solve. But I rather enjoy it.

Jessie stood beside me and grabbed my arm softly. "Looks like your wish came true. You have your brother back."

I smiled. "Though I don't know what 'To take what what's mine' means."

She laughed, "Let's hope it's what we think it is."

I already guessed the other reason. I just hope that's it.

Jessie slowly added. "And your brother looks as hot as he was. Maybe a bit more."

I stifled a laugh. Jessamine adored my brother and still does.

I cleared my throat, getting my stepmom, Nate and Miranda's attention. "Why don't we sit down."

We all took seat in the living room. Nate and I took armchairs and the rest in the couch.

"So." I started. "Why don't you start Nate."

Nate sighed. "After dad died, a part of me felt...erased. Mom and Dad were both gone. But you were there. Maybe not all my childhood wasn't lost. But you were crushed Tessa."

I started to protest.

"Don't deny it. You act as if it didn't do that damage. But it did. And I did all I can to help you. And I did know you didn't want to be here anymore."

"So I searched through our father's documents. Dad was a well known business man. And a owner of a company in London was his good friend. I found a letter from him saying that he would be happy to have him work there. But our father denied it. Because there was another letter wishing him a good retirement."

"Dad didn't accept it because he wanted to be with us." I said.

Nate nodded. "It must've been after mom died. Though it did say that if wanted to join, he's always welcome. I thought maybe I could use it to get a job. With a well paid job, we could move out."

He looked at our stepmother, "I told her that I would be going to London. But she told me not to. And I had to try. And it was a rash decision. Without informing anyone. But I had to. And I regret it still."

I glared at him, "You couldn't have told to me about this."

Nate opened his mouth to talk but I stopped him.

"Do not tell me I was young. I was fourteen, not four. And I would've come with you to London."

Nate sighed. "I wasn't sure that I would get the job. So I did want to risk tagging you along too."

I sighed. "I guess you got the job." He nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell me." I repeated.

"I did." He said. "After I got the job, I wrote a letter. But I had it returned to me with a note."

"You did it didn't you." I looked at my stepmom. I don't remember anything about a letter.

"You didn't want him to return." Jessie said.

"Jessamine!" Miranda exclaimed.

"That's the truth isn't it mom." Jessie asked her mom.

"Yes." She cried. "I didn't want him to return so the fortune of Richard will be mine. I don't have a job and how else am I supposed to make a living with two girls."

"After you married my dad, you are technically my mom." I said. "Nate and I are your children too. Even if Nate gets the fortune, we wouldn't let you all into the streets. Unlike you."

Our stepmom considered this. But it is the truth. I can't think of something that cruel. I wouldn't let Jessie out in the streets. Even Miranda too surprisingly.

"Look." Nate said. "Let's have a deal. Let the fortune be under my name. But you could have this house and let some of the money be yours. Whereas Tessa and I will leave to London."

"That money won't last long." She said.

"Then get a job." I said.

"And," Nate turned to me. "I have a good place in London. And a stable job. You can come and live with me there. I'll get you into a college-"

"I got into Cambridge." I said.

Everyone started at me.

"I got 70% scholarship but don't have money to pay from the rest of the sum."

"Tessie that's awesome." Nate exclaimed. "I'll pay for rest of it."

"You would?" I asked in disbelief.

"Anything for you Tessa." Nate agreed.

Just this morning I was dreaming about how my life would be if Nate was here. Now it's gonna be played out in my real life.

Word count:1209

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