Chapter 10

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"Let me get my jacket." I said and went into my room. 

I can't believe Will did that. Pretty sure he chose Gabriel because of his sister. And his song selection, just the right one.

I got my jean jacket and was gonna go out when my laptop let out a sound. Must have got an e-mail.

I opened my inbox and read it.

From the results of your interview and entrance exam, the Cambridge University is privileged to have Miss Theresa Gray join our esteemed institution. Since you have passed with flying colors, you are given a 70% scholarship. Details for the payment as well as your overall results is given below.

But I didn't read the next part. I was already shocked because I GOT IN!

I let out a scream but smothered it with my hand. I was bouncing up and down. 

"Is something wrong?" A startled voice said from my doorway.

With happiness literally blinding my eyes, I hugged Will and let out a squeak. Will, who was shell shocked just stood there. 

But he has to comment on that. "This is a really big moment for us. Our first hug."

"Don't ruin it." I warned.

He chuckled and he hugged back. 

"Are you hyperventilating? Why......." he trailed away. "You got into Cambridge!"

But my mind wasn't there. It was shouting 'I'm hugging Will Herondale.'

Soon I broke out of my trance. I sprang backward was staring at him. I was expecting a smirk plastered on his face. But he was as shocked as I was.

"You got into Cambridge?" He repeated.

I glared at him. "You don't think I'm capable of it."

"NO!" He replied. "I'm just......"

"Just what?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "Nothing." He seemed to be in deep thinking but broke away from it.

"Well," I started. "Since your the first person to know about this and we're gonna go out, why don't I give you a treat."

He laughed. "You wouldn't have even dreamed that I would be the first person to hear about."

"True," I admitted. "Alright, so what do you want?"

He thought. "There's a Ice cream shop nearby."

"It opened recently, didn't it?" I asked.

"Yep. Wanted to try it out."

"Then let's go." I said.

We both went down. I still cannot believe I got into Cambridge. Especially to study English there. But I got 70% scholarship, which is something. But how am I gonna afford it?

"Is something bothering you?" Will asked.

I shook my head.

"Is it something about the university?" He questioned.

I sighed. "Why don't we talk about something else."

We were walking on the side walk. Will was walking beside me. His black hair was stark against his pale face. Most people have at least shades of brown or even red. But his hair seemed black as ink. And every time he blinks, his eyes seems to dim out and shine again

Whoa. When did I become this descriptive?

Will was looking at me. I raised my eyebrow.

He shrugged, "Okay. So what do you do in your free time? Other than reading books."

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