Chapter 6

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This is definitely a awkward day for me. Three reasons why.

1. I got invited to have lunch with the most popular girl in my high school.

2. I wore a dress and felt that I looked pleasant (which is very rare with me).

3. There was only one thing that kept on nagging me today and that was because of a BOY.

The way Will behaved yesterday was still raw. Though I know I should have expected it. 

But cleared my head and started to walk towards the restaurant Isabelle told me to come. Taki's. I met Clary, who was about to enter.

She waved. "Glad you came."

I smiled and we walked towards the table Sophie and Isabelle were seated. I greeted both of them and sat next to Isabelle.

"Only one missing. Cecily." Clary announced. That's when Cecily arrived. She looked painfully like Will.

Oh God, why did I let Will get into my mind like this?

"Hi guys." She said and took a seat next to me.

She looked at me and said, "I'm sorry for Will's manners yesterday Tessa."

I was shocked for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Clary asked.

Cecily told them how Will was drunk and created a ruckus in Branwell's books and returned with Jem.

"Jace didn't tell me about this." Clary said betrayed.

"So he yelled at you?" Isabelle asked. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Don't know." Isabelle didn't seem pleased.

"How about we talk about something else?" Sophie said.

"Let's talk about boys." Isabelle said cheerfully. Everyone laughed.

A waitress came over. Kaelie, her badge read. She took our orders but gave a look of loathing to Clary. Clary too glared at her.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked.

"She used to date Jace." Clary said sourly.

Isabelle snickered, "Nice to see you jealous."

"Please, she is the one whose jealous." Clary replied.

"Alright, whatever you say." Isabelle turned curiously to Sophie, "How did you and Gideon get together?"

Sophie was as red as a tomato.

"Your right," I agreed. "Even I don't know how they got together. Thanks Isabelle."

I looked at Sophie and gestured her to go on.

Sophie explained, "Well we had our lockers next to each other so we used to talk. Then we got paired up for a Maths project and well we got....uh.....close."

"Real close." Cecily added. Sophie blushed even more.

"Then he asked me to a date and well at last to become his girlfriend."

'Aws' and 'Oohs' went around the table. I laughed. Having lunch with a group of girls is something.

"So what about you and Gabriel." Sophie asked Cecily to change the subject.

Cecily rolled her eyes. "We are doing great. But there's Will in the middle."

"I seriously don't understand why they hate each other." Clary said.

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