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'I felt a hand grab my arm and someone quickly spin me around, her glasses and beanie fell of , now I was staring into these most beautiful green emerald eyes I've ever seen. I didn't notice it because she had her glasses on, I soon realize Lauren fucking Jauregui is right in front of me!'

I stand there in shock, her hand still grabbing my arm, "umm..hi?" I said but it turn more into a question.  We had the most intense staring contest until I broke it. She notice that her hand was still around my arm and she quickly pulled back, " oh um.. excuse me, I'm sorry" she says in a low and soft voice looking down, "I didn't mean to scare you .." "it's ok" I say reassuring her, it was. There was a moment of awkward silence, " Did u by any chance go to Miami High?" She asked. When I think about it, I remembered that she also went to high school with me, I always seen her in the halls but we never talked, omg Alexa was talking about her the 'old friend!' " Yea I did!" I still can't believe I'm talking to THE Lauren Jauregui, big worldwide pop star. "Do you maybe want to go get a drink later or something?" She asked still looking down, Lauren jauregui wants to get a drink with me!? Am I dreaming? " Wow lauren jauregui wants to get a drink with me huh?" I giggled. "So is that a yes?" She says, " Sure" she looked up with this most amazing smile I've ever seen, her green eyes pop out which made her even more beautiful, " Here's my number, let's meet up sometimes." She handed me a card with her number on it, I smiled and there it goes again, the intense staring. My phone started to vibrate, and I pulled it out and once again it was Alexa,
ALEXA☺️: where you at? I'm here.
TO ALEXA☺️:hold on I'm coming
I looked back up to see Lauren looking down, " I'll text you, I gotta go, it was nice talking to you though." She looked back up and smiled,
" You too, bye."
"Bye." I started to walk away but I can still feel her eyes staring at me. ' Why me? Why did she want to have a drink with me? Why did she even talk to me?' I thought to myself, She such a big pop star idol, She probably won't even remember me, but  she was so damn beautiful, the way her hair was waved her amazing eyes and perfect jawline. I listened to some of her music before, that girl had talent, I could tell.
I see Alexa car, I ran up to it and opened the door, I jump in with a bright smile on my face.
" Someone's happy, how did it go?" She asked,
"It was fucking great!" I said, " Ooo what happened?!" She asked excitedly.
By the time I got home I told her everything that happened, we sat in the car for awhile talking, she had the biggest smirk on her face when I got done telling her what happened with Lauren.
"So when are  you gonna give her a call ?" She says, Still having a smirk on her face.
" I don't know, she probably forgot about me." I say looking down playing with my fingers. " No she didn't, trust me, just talk to her." "Ok, but I'll do it later."  "Ok"
"Thanks for the ride" I say as I get out "no problem, same time tomorrow?" She asked, "Yup." "Ok bye cutie!" "Bye lex."

I walked into my apartment and threw my shit everywhere, I jumped on my bed taking the card with Lauren number out from my pockets. Should I text her? This is honestly crazy, a big pop star giving me their number and asking me out for a drink? This has to be a dream, right? I grabbed my phone out and put her in my contacts as PopStar ⭐️, what should I say? I never even told her my name! Ugh! why am I stressing over this!?
To PopStar ⭐️: Hey

From PopStar⭐️: Who's this? Damn what the hell do I say?

To PopStar⭐️: The girl you asked out for a drink 😎 What the hell is wrong with me! Why did I say that?

From PopStar⭐️: Omg yea, I never got your name, so what's your name?

To PopStar⭐️: I'm not telling you, heheh🤭

From PopStar⭐️: And why not?😕

To PopStar⭐️: I want it to be a secret, for now😁 Heheheheh🤓

From PopStar⭐️: Fine, ill call u stranger then🤗

To PopStar⭐️ : I like it

From PopStar⭐️: So about the drink, tomorrow at 3:00? I wanna get to know you.

To PopStar⭐️: Sound good, well I got to get to bed, goodnight PopStar☺️

From PopStar⭐️: Goodnight stranger ☺️
I cant believe that actually just happened! Lauren jauregui asked me out for a drink, and she gave me her number, what the fuck. For some reason I wanted to be mysterious, I think this might be interesting.

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