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Lauren's POV

Today's the day, I was taking y/n to the airport to go see one of her best friend Dinah. For some odd reason I was nervous, maybe because I'm meeting my girlfriend best friend, would she like me? What if she doesn't!?. It feels good to call her mine, 3.24.17. The day I asked her, the happiest day.

We walked towards the gate way and waiting for Dinah, she couldn't hold in her Excitement all day, she was so cute. As we waited, I was holding her from behind and my head on her shoulder, with my arms around her waist.

Once Y/n spotted her friend before she could spot us, she got out my arms and ran towards the tall Polynesian girl, she had thick brown hair, with a pretty smile, but not as pretty as Y/ N's. But she was quit pretty.

Y/n jumped on her as the Polynesian held her tight, I smiled the at the cute sight I'm seeing, they stayed in the position for about 4 minutes.

People didn't recognize mean, as I try to keep it cool. Y/n took her hand and they ran over to me, "Who this y/n, your new friend?" She asked looking at y/n. Y/n smiled as I took of my hood and glasses, leaving the Polynesian girl with wide eyes and wide mouth, you could say she was speechless.

"Yo, are you real!?" She asked out of shocked, y/n laughed at her reaction, I smiled and nodded.

"Dinah, this is Lauren-" she cut her of  "bish of course I know who Lauren is" making me laugh "as I was sayinggg Dinah this is Lauren, my girlfriend" again y/n left her in shocked. "WHAT THE FUCK" Dinah said "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" "Ayo big fan btw" Dinah said while hitting  y/n on the shoulder, "sorry?" She said but came out more of a question.

"Ayo can I get a picture?" She asked me I laugh and nodded while y/n playfully hit her. We took the picture.

"Hi Dinah" I say, I started to feel a bit shy, "hey" there was a moment of silence.

"Alrighty my beautiful girlfriend and my beautiful best friend, shall we go out and eat?" Y/n said, y/n was skipping in front of us while me and Dinah walked behind her.

"Lauren?" Dinah said "yes" I asked "you better not break her heart, I'm warning you, I've never seen her this happy in forever, and if you mess that up, I won't hesitate to break you into pieces" she says making Direct eye contact with me making me a little scared, "I promise I won't ever hurt her, I really really like her" I told her, "good" with that Dinah went to go join y/n.

Why wasn't y/n happy before?


We stoped and ate at Denny's since it was still quit early, "y/n I'll be stayin at your place if u don't mind" Dinah says and she smirked "actually dj, I'm not staying at my place right now" she says, "what, why? Where do you stay" she asked confused

"She stays with me" I interrupted making y/n smiled "wait what! Why aren't you telling me anything anymore y/n, dang y'all are moving fast" she said.

"It's not like that I'll explain" y/n says laying her head on my shoulder.


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