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Alexa just dropped me of at home, the whole time I was thinking of Lauren, how can a person like her talk to me?

Everything that's happening right now is crazy, what are the feeling I felt when I was with her? It was driving my crazy.

It's been 3 hours since Lauren texted me, I started panicking, she told me to wish her a good luck then never texts me back, maybe she's really busy in the studio? Yea maybe.

—————30 minutes later————

I was sitting on the couch in my living room watching wonder women trying to get lauren out my head, that's when I heard a notification go of on my phone.

I picked it up and saw Lauren texted me, a smile crept onto my face, she sent a picture of her in the studio (picture on top) damn she was so cute.

To Lauren🥰: new music huh?👀

From Lauren 🥰: yessir💅

I smiled at the text and went back to the picture, she looks so constrained.

She texted me and told me she would call me when she gets out.

It's been a couple hours and still no text or calls from her. I was debating if I should text her now or sh- I was cut of with someone calling me. Lauren.

She was FaceTime me! I fixed my hair as fast as possible, I had light makeup on already so which is fine. I finally picked up.

"Hey! "Lauren says excitedly

"Hey, how was the studio" I ask to make conversation

We talked for while I didn't notice I fell asleep, I woke up and heard soft mini snoring, I looked at my phone and saw Lauren peacefully sleeping.

I start to see her smile, it was adoring to watch her sleep and smile, I might sound like a creep right now, but no. I looked at the time and I have to get to work in an hour.

I was debating if I should wake her up, I have a feeling she might end up waking up late, since she was exhausted yesterday in the studio.

"Hey wake up" I started, she started to move around a bit.

"Hey wake up beautiful" I said a little louder, wait did I just call her beautiful? Omg I'm so lucky she's asleep.

"Beautiful?" She repeated,omg. I was blushing way to hard, I could hear her chuckling.

"Good morning gorgeous" she smiled sleepy at me, her voice was so damn sexy when it's raspy.

"Good morning" I smiled back after my blushing lowered.

"I have to go to work in an hour" I whined

"Do you have a ride?" She asked while getting up.

"Um, I texted my friend to come get me, she does all the time." I say

"You can text her and say 'nvm I already have a ride'" she says

"Wait, I do? I thought it was her" I asked confused on what she means.

"Nope, you have a new ride, and it's me." She smiles. "Be ready in an hour I'll see u then byee " she says

"Wai-" wth just happened? Did she really just hang up on me.

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