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                                        Y/N POV

I was in the middle of writing down drinks that my costumes ordered, when the door bell on the door rang I looked up to see Lauren. Is it possible for someone to get more Beautiful over night? Cause damn...

Once she locked eyes with me she winked, I blushed
Immediately and looked down right away.

The next person in line was lauren, of course. I smiled widely to her as she started to walk towards me, "Hi welcome to Coffee Holic, what can I get u today?"

She blushed and started talking, wow did I just make Lauren jauregui blush? I totally zoned out, "Hellooo u there?" She says while waving her hand in my face.

Damn what this girl can make me do, "oh yea sorry" I slightly giggled out of embarrassment. She also giggled, ahh she's so cute!

After I gave her the drink and had a mini conversation, she said she was in a hurry to get to the studio. Well damn.

                                   Lauren's POV

I did my quick coffee run like I always do in the morning before going to the studio, just kidding I only went cause I knew y/n was there. I was sad I had to leave early but I did promise ally I would be there.

I was parked outside the studio preparing for the lecture ally was going to give, and all the questions she's going to be asking about Y/n and who she is. I grabbed about my phone and just sent y/n a quick message.

TO: Y/n🌹💋
Wish me luck love😕

FROM: Y/n🌹💋
Good luck, can I ask for what?

TO: Y/n🌹💋
I'll tell u later, ttyl byeee😚

FROM: Y/n🌹💋

Damn she's so cute, I swear texting her makes me 100 times better. Ok now, I'm well prepared to go talk to her, I can do this.

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