Late night

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"WERE BACK" Lauren called out, we could here the loud footsteps running our way,

"FINALLY WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" They all say in jinx.

"Yea um sorry, but here! We got you guys some tacos" Lauren says making everyone cheer, I looked over at her and smiled.

"Arn't you guys gonna eat?" Ally asked after they all got there food.

Me and Lauren looked at Each other "we already ate" we say.

Everyone smirked at us, me not knowing what they're smirking about looked away.

It was 10:00 and we've been here since who knows when, it was already quit dark outside and quiet.

"And that's a wrap for today!" Lauren cheers as her and Selena come out from the booth, me and including Ally and Tj were clapping our hands.

"Y'all did great today" Tj speaks out.

"Do y'all mind giving me a lift back, I took an Uber" Selena asked.

"Yea let's go, BYE ALLY AND TJ" Lauren said, as me and Selena wave a goodbye.

I sat in the passenger seat while Selena sat behind Lauren, "ay put some music on!" Selena whined.

Lauren handed her the aux cord, Selena blasted songs as we started shouting out lyrics to Champagne And Sunshine remix.

"Love, take it of" Selena started.

"She like that dirty talk" Lauren went

"Pushing her up, against the wall" Then I

"White wine and bubble gum" 



We sang together.

After about driving for 5 minutes to 10 minutes we pulled up to a huge mansion! I would say it was almost the size of Lauren's place but bigger!

"Thank you, oh and Y/n it was nice meeting you, I hope to see u again." She said while rubbing my shoulders, I could see Lauren intensely staring but I ignored it.

"It was great meeting you to." I say with a smile on my face. She got out the car and shut it.

"Hey do u wanna get donuts!" She called out

"Lauren, it's to late they probably closed" I say as I start laughing.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not" she gave me a wink.

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