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"Hey before we go in" I reached in the back of my seat to grab something to cover her eyes, I have already told the others what gonna happened, all I have to do now is to make sure she can't see, and to text them I'm here.

"Here, put this on" I say.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just trust me" I smile and rubbed her hand, there it is again, the sparks...

She put on the scarf I gave her, and so I texted ally telling her I'm here.

" How much fingers am I holding up?" I asked sticking up 3 fingers.

"Laur for the last time, I can't see." She giggles, after about the 5th time of me asking, "ok sorry love, wanted to make sure, stay here." I say.

I get out from my side and went over to hers to open her side door, I grabbed her hand and carefully helped her out, once she was out I went behind her and held her waist. "Ok now just walk" I told her as I lead her, but still behind her.

We walked in and I could see everyone in front smiling weirdly, "ok, ima take it of now." I whisper in her ear, there was ally in the corner recording while I undoing the scarf.

"1..2...3" I released it.

"Holy..shit..." she whispers, her eyes went wide and her mouth flung open.

"Hi!" Selena said and ran up up y/n to give her a hug, I smiled and laughed at her reaction.

"O my godddd your so cute!" She squeezed y/n tighter, y/n hugged her back, you can see the shock stuck on her face, she looked to cute.

"Is this real?" Y/n asked in disbelief.

"Yea I think it is" Selena laughed.

"Hi I'm ally, this is Tj and you already know Selena." Ally holds out her hand to shake Y/n,

"God you have such beautiful eyes!" Y/n blushes at the complement, something felt weird was it jealousy, no can't be.

"Alright let's get to work!" I clapped to get everyone's attention.


It's been half and hour since we started, "alright let's take a break! My throat hurtssss!!" Selena whined

"Agreed!" I cheered.

"Anyone want food I'll go order some?" Sel asked, Y/n shook her head in pride.

"Me!" Y/n yelled.

Selena laughed as I admire y/n from a far or should I say the booth "wanna come with me?" Selena asked y/n.  Y/n agreed

"Wait! Um- I'll go get it come on Y/n" I told them, the past hour Selena been getting really close and touchy with Y/n, but Y/n didn't notice.

"Oh ok" Selena said. You can clearly hear the disappointment in her voice

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