The Drink

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Lauren's POV

It was the next morning, The girl I knew as 'Stranger'  was the most  beautiful women I've ever seen, her Y/E/C was my favorite thing about her, her perfect body, and HER ASS THOUGH, Yea I might have checked her out.. but damn her ass was amazing, and her pink plump lip that I wanted to kiss so bad. I asked her out for a drink, and she said yes! I mean who would reject me I'm Lauren Jauregui Worlds big pop Star, but sometimes I wished I could just be a normal person, don't get me wrong though I'm blessed to be where I am today and I'm thankful for it, it's just I don't get as much privacy, and people are always in my business, some people can get delusional sometimes and it scares me.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice my phone buzzing, I took it from my nightstand and saw Ally my best friend calling,
"Hey al what's up?" I asked
"Hey laur, when are you coming down to the studio?" She questioned
"I don't know ally, maybe tomorrow I kinda have to do something"
"Lauren Michelle Jauregui, tomorrow for you is a week, you need to start getting on track again. Ally said irritated.
"Ok, ok calm down, I promise to come tomorrow, if not you can smack the shit out of me ok? I said laughing
"Deal, bye lo"
Ally's one of my best friends, we were friends since I could start walking, I really trusted her and so I made her my manger, she can act like a mom sometimes, but that's why I love her.

It was now 2:35 I would be meeting 'stranger' in a few minutes, something inside of me made me nervous but exited, I didn't know what to wear I was freaking out!
I picked out a white V neck and  black jeans, with a black leather jacket, and some pairs of converses, I grabbed everything I needed and walked out the door, and went into my car.
After agreeing to meet up with 'stranger' at a near by bubble tea place, I was already walking inside, immediately spotting her on the far right corner, she was wearing a plaid mini skirt that hugged her curves in all the right places, and a white blouse which made her absolutely perfect.
"Over here!" She yelled making me snap out of my thoughts, waving her hand for me to join her.
"Hey" I say, as I start walking towards her, she looked like a goddess up close, Im pretty sure I was drooling. What a mess a am.
"Hey" she says smiling. "Wanna get something to drink? I heard the Milk Tea is really good here" she asked. " Yea sure" I said, she gave me a small smile while she got up to order, I followed right beside her. "Hi what can I get for you?" The blond hair girl asked nicely, "Can I please get a milk tea with extra tapioca" " Anything for your gorgeous" she said with a wink, I look over at 'stranger' to see her looking down blushing, the jealousy filled in me, 'NO Lauren you barely know her!' I was snap out of my thoughts when I felt 'stranger' nudge me. "What do you want?" She asked "oh um, I'll get the same, thank you" " Your total is 3.45$ please" I saw 'stranger try to grab her wallet, but I quickly stoped her "No, it's ok I got it" "Lauren it's ok, I can pay" she says.
"No you will not, I'm the one that asked you out so I should be paying" I said, giving her my famous  smile.
" Fine but I'm paying next time" she says. " There gonna be a 'next time'?" I looked over with a smirk, she looked down and blushed again. 'CAN YOU STOP BEING SO CUTE!?' I thought to myself, " I don't know if I can" I looked up to see her smirking, as my eyes went wide. "Did I just say that out loud?" "Yes you did". I can feel my face heating up when she started giggling, it was the best thing to ever hear.

We've been talking for awhile getting to know each other, I found out her name is Y/n she's 22 years old, and just moved here, and lives alone.
Now I'm waiting  to asked the question I've been wondering, is she single?. "So..umm are you seeing anyone?" I blurted out...

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