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it was your first day of college, however you were unfortunately put into a room with a male. it was unbelievable but that was the only option they've
left for you.

at first, you began to feel uneasy about the decision you've had to commit to but eventually gave in, not wanting to lose your once in a lifetime opportunity, to attend your dream college.

sadly, all the college dorms were full for the female dormitories, leaving you with the option you chose.

you pulled your heavy luggage from behind you, as you walked down the dead hallways of your college feeling nervousness invade you of the thought. you were going to have a new dormitory with a random guy. yes, it was risky. but you'd never know, unless you try things out.

you'd never know how it is, until you experience it.
you were on the males' side of the establishment in search for your dormitory door which is room 402.

you sighed, feeling disappointment as you've never expected to be put in the boys' dorms. the idea just didn't sit right. it wasn't right at all.

you scanned each door you walked past. you search for the room number, 402 — finally, after what had seemed like forever, you've found the specific room you have been looking for.

your dormitory.

you inhaled a deep breath, before knocking against door a few soft times, your heartbeat increasing, as seconds turned into minutes. after a few moments, no one answered the door as you expected them to.

you dug into your bag for the key the woman at the front desk has given you, to the dormitory. but just then, a deep voice calls out towards your direction.

"hey, you're the new girl, right?"

you flinched at the sudden voice and adverted your gaze, your eyes landing on a male. the boy had dark brown locks; one angelic facial structure along with his physique — he is tall and slim. you had to admit that he was gorgeous.

however, the male chortled seeming to understand what you are thinking, regarding, that you've stood completely frozen in an awkward stance — but that didn't stop you from admiring him, until he speaks up again, bringing you back into reality.

"so, are you?" the taller man repeated his question, as he approached you, with a distance between the both of your figures.

"how'd you know?" you threw back a question. you noticed as the corner of his lips curves up resulting in a smirk. "the news has been going around, since last week." he informed. approaching you, the man extended out his arm towards your direction.

"i'm taehyung." he politely introduced. "the name's kim taehyung." with an contagious smile displayed on his face, which refrained you from holding back
a smile as well. you slowly, yet hesitantly reach out your hand. taking your hand into his larger one, he shook it in an easygoing manner.

"i'm y/n," you introduced, returning the smile.

he grins, "you're cute." he said. "it's too bad you're roomed with jungkook.." he commented, playfully rolling his eyes with a chortle following afterward.

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