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you slowly followed jungkook down the hall, as he continued walking. the hallways were dead, and it was only you and jungkook.

you start to feel uneasiness hit you. nervousness hit as well, but you decided to brush it off and focus on jungkook as of right now. you were so curious, as to why he was acting very cold towards you, when you have done nothing at all — at least you thought you did nothing at all.

you were clueless, and he was confusing.

focusing too much onto your cloud of thoughts you suddenly lose jungkook. he took a sharp turn down one of the halls as you weren't paying attention.

"fuck," you mutter.

you stopped in your tracks, debating on which hall to take. as you took a turn down the right hall, your figure's suddenly pinned against the hard wall. you flinch by the sudden pressure on your wrists.

it was jungkook.

your eyes slightly widened seeing him, who stood close to you, with such little space in between the both of your figures.

"so tell me, why're you following me y/n." he asks, sternness filling his voice — you felt intimidated by his tall figure towered over you but you couldn't let him see that. so you remained calm. "let go, people will see.." you warned, trying to release your wrists from his tight hold but failed to do so.

but then jungkook glared at you before be released your wrist from his hands.

"stop following me around if you can't even tell me what you want." jungkook scoffs afterward walking away without another word.

you rubbed your reddened wrist, as you watch him walk down the halls, disappearing after a next turn. you scoffed; massaging your pained, and reddened, wrists. "the fuck is his problem?"


jungkook has been avoiding you and taehyung. you didn't understand why, and he wouldn't even give a chance to tell you either — you absolutely hated the cold shoulder he was giving you, and how he would pretend you weren't nearby in the dormitory, when you'd be present in front of him. he was acting very immature.

you had just gotten back to the dorms from a night out, with seokjin, and namjoon. you all went to the arcade, just to kill time along with a little gossiping here and there. but, you are now on your way back, to your dormitory.

finally making it to your door, you pull out your set of keys and unlock the door. your hand grabbed on the door knob, but before you'd turned the knob to open the door, you heard a slight moan come from the room.

what the fuck?

you stopped in your movements, leaning your ear against the door to hear what's going on inside. it was for sure you heard a moan. you did not drink tonight, or does your hearing usually deceive you.

"am i hearing things?" you mumbled.

there is a moment of silence, giving you hope that jungkook would've be in the dormitory peacefully sleeping or reading his book to occupy him for the entirety of the night. you decide to shrug it off and you twisted the knob, pushing the door open.

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