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the scene replayed in your mind ever since you and jungkook got back to the dorms.

the scene of you witnessing girls drooling over your boyfriend nonstop. you felt jealousy and annoyance hit you since jungkook had many eyes on him today.

laying on your bed, you were scrolling through your  device as jungkook exited the bathroom.

"hey, have you washed up yet?" he asked, whilst brushing his teeth. you adverted your eyes towards jungkook, seeing him changed in grey sweats, with a loose black t-shirt on.

"yes." you dryly replied, adverting your eyes back to your phone.

"y/n is there something wrong?" he asked, already having a clue from the way you responded. he knew that if you seemed, or acted distant, that there was automatically something going through your mind.

"no, it's nothing." you respond, shaking your head, as jungkook rushes to the bathroom to clean himself up. after a few moments, he exits the bathroom and approached you, sitting down next to you on your bed as you remained on your device.

"what's wrong? you seemed a little mad." he trailed off. you rolled your eyes, "i'm fine." you responded, your eyes glued to the screen. suddenly, your phone was taken out of your hands.

with just a swift movement, jungkook's figure was now suddenly hovered over yours, hands on either side of you.

your eyes widened at the sudden action, but before you were able to speak, he spoke up first.

"why are you mad." he asked in a stern tone, as he stared at you. "don't expose your face out in the public anymore." you warned, as you quickly divert
your eyes elsewhere.

you rolled your eyes as jungkook lifts a brow, all of the sudden confused by your statement. he stayed silent, waiting for you to proceed.

"because you're too..." you pause, "too...?" jungkook questions.

"did you not see all those girls practically drooling over you today? yet you didn't even do anything about it." you explained, in a fast pace as jungkook laughs, causing you to glare.

he pushes himself up from his position, pulling you to sit up straight as well.

"are you... jealous?" he asked, as a mischievous grin formed on his face. you scoffed, "gross, as if." you muttered, as the boy suddenly pulls you into a hug, your figure was engulfed in his arms.

you felt your cheeks heat up, as the corner of your lips tugged up into a smile due to his gesture.

"you're so cute." he commented.

as he ruffles his fingers through your hair, you tried pulling away from his arms but that only made him tighten his hold around your figure.

"let me go," you exclaimed, trying to push yourself away. jungkook being the stubborn brat he is, only tightened his embrace around you, which made it almost suffocating.

"not till you admit that you were jealous," he spoke, as the two of you fell back onto your bed.

"let— let go!" you exclaimed, a groan escaping your mouth as he held you tightly. "admit it!" jungkook playfully shouted. "fine, i was jealous!" you confess, as he loosened his hold around you, immediately.

"see! i knew it!" he laughed, pointing his index to your direction like a child.

you scoffed, "and that's only because you're good looking." you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest as you laughed.

"i'm hot, i know." he conceitedly replied, as you pushed him away from you playfully. "watch, i'm gonna get a lot of chicks and—" you cut him off.

"now, don't get too full of yourself." you warn the egocentric boy, as he pulls your figure back into his arms, but this time less suffocating. you are seated on his lap, as he was seated over the bed, his body sinking into the softness of the mattress.

jungkook manages to turn your figure around, so instead of him hugging you from behind, you were facing him instead.

his gaze softened, "i was just kidding," he responds, "i'm yours, and yours only. i promise." he said, making your cheeks heat up.

you smirked, "good. and it better stay that way." you warned, as he chuckled in response.

"i don't need to reassure you about that." he stated, as you shrugged. "you should already know that by now, y/n." he continued.

"psh, whatever you say..." you pushed his chest in a playful way, but he grasps onto your wrist, stopping you between your movements.

"no, seriously." his tone became stern. "usually, i don't catch feelings but for you," he paused. "you're different." he proceeds, as you felt heat rush to your cheeks at his statement.

"and you caught my interest so fast, i wouldn't be lying if i said i was surprised too." he laughs toward the end of his sentence.

"dude, are you serious?" you asked, stunned by his confession. jungkook rolled his eyes, "don't 'dude' me, but yeah..." he glared as you giggled.

"you make me happy."

"you make me happy as well." you reply, as a smile formed on his face. you felt his arms loosen around your petite figure — jungkook stands up from your bed, approaching his bed.

you raise a brow, as he looks back towards your direction.

"do you wanna sleep with me tonight?" the once confident boy, questioned you like a shy child. your eyes widens, but before you can speak, he spoke up.

"no not like that, but just sleep in my bed." he said as you noticed his cheeks turning into a tint of pink.

"unless you wanna fuck, i don't know—" you cut him off by throwing a pillow to his direction, which jungkook caught due to his fast and impressive reflexes.

"what's up with you? what happened to the boy who was confident and self centered?" you replied, standing up from bed — approaching him, he grins.

"why?" he asks, a mischievous smirk replacing the previous grin. you felt your body heat up. jungkook was hot, and that smirked of his turned you on.

he lifts a brow, approaching you.

"do you want to take things a step further? because i kinda missed that feeling of being inside you."

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