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"class dismissed, please finish up your assigned work for next class." your professor exclaimed, as he loosened his black tie.

the class including you, started packing up your things and exited the class. as you tucked your work into your binder, you glanced at your phone and see that it's lunch time.

exiting the classroom, walk down the hallways along with dozens of others heading into the cafeteria.

some people gathered with their friend groups and went out to eat, headed to their dorms, or either made their way to the cafeteria just as you were. it wasn't high school anymore, so everyone was free to head wherever during their lunch period.

as you made your way through the busy hallways, your phone suddenly goes off.

carrying your textbook and binder, you struggle to pull your phone out of your back pocket but eventually retrieve it with success. you see that it is jungkook who's calling, but before you were able to answer the call, your gaze shifts up to what's in front of you and you collide into a strong chest.

your phone slipped out of your hands as you groan.


before you fell, the man you bumped into caught you in his arms.

you looked up at him, realizing it was taehyung.

"sorry," he apologised, and once you were back on two feet he kneeled down and picked up your fallen device.


before you were able to thank him, you walks past you without another word. you continued walking, utterly confused. he looked like he was in a rush but you didn't bother to dig further into it.

entering the cafeteria, you suddenly felt a shoulder nudge yours.

"hey," namjoon said, smiling widely which exposed his dimples which your adored. "hi,"

you walked along with him, as he approached the table where you all usually sit with a tray of food in his hands.

"you're not hungry?" he asked, after he notices you were following him to the table.

you nod, "no appetite."

he hums, nodding in response not questioning it any further. the two of you arrived at the table but paused in your steps, shocked at what you witness.

you and namjoon stared at hoseok and jimin tossing fries into jungkook's mouth as if they were playing basketball but with food instead. meanwhile, yoongi stared at the immature boys with disappointment in his expression as seokjin continued to eat his lunch ignoring the fact that the boys acted like kids.

once they notice yours and namjoon's presence, they stopped and greeted you both.

namjoon settled next to hoseok, as you squeezed in between jimin and jungkook who sat opposite from the rest of the boys.

placing your binder and textbook on the table, you felt jungkook's hand on your thigh, giving it a small massage as he kissed you multiple times on your cheek.

"how was class?" he wonders, but continued to kiss your cheek, down to your jaw.

you smiled, "good." you chuckle a little bit by the ticklish feeling of him kissing you.

"stop," jimin demanded, causing jungkook to stop in his movements. everyone at the table spared a quick glance at jimin who sat beside you rolling his eyes.

"jeon, you better stop before you end up fucking her on the table," he warned.

you and the guys chuckle, as jungkook glared to his direction, backing off but with his hand still on your thigh. "don't think i didn't know what was going on yesterday on the phone," he added.

your eyes widened, as jimin crossed his arms.

"i heard those moans, jungkook."

at jimin's words, everyone at the table irrupted of laughter as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"anyways," seokjin cut in taking a bite of his food.
"where's taehyung? he hasn't arrived yet." he asked as he places his hand over his mouth, speaking with a mouth full of food.

the guys shrugged, as you recalled the incident in the hallways. "i bumped into him earlier, but he seemed like he was in a rush and left right away." you said, as the seokjin raised a brow.

"probably late," jungkook said, wrapping his arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer towards him.

you and the guys brushed it off, as you continued small talk about random topics.


my class had just ended, and i was on my way to the cafeteria with slow steps. a yawn escapes my mouth, tired from sleeping late last night.

suddenly my phone rang.

i sigh, reaching into my pocket for my phone.

i raised a brow, seeing the few words 'no caller id' displayed on my screen. i declined the call and tuck my phone back into my pocket.

eventually i make it to the entrance of the cafeteria, but the abrupt sound of my phone going off stops me from entering. i rolled my eyes in annoyance, and pulled out my device.

to my surprise, it's aera calling me this time.

i pressed answer, bringing my phone up to my ear.

"aera, what's up," i started. "where are you?" she asked, as i scoffed letting out a chuckle. "school, where else?" i questioned as she stayed silent on the other line. "hello?" i asked, confused as to why she suddenly went silent.

"come to the front, i'm picking you up. i'm only ten minutes away from your—"

i cut her off, "why? i'm having lunch with the group right now, i just got out of class."

"just meet up with me." she lastly said before going completely silent again.

"aera, why though?" i proceeded to ask, but i get no response. "aera?" i asked, pulling my phone away from my ear and staring at the screen.

she hung up.

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