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"do you love me?" he asked.

you couldn't help but scoff at his sudden question, taken aback by something he should already know the answer of.

"of course." you responded. "what made you think otherwise?" you ask, hearing a sigh escape his lips. jungkook turned your figure around — facing him.

you raised a brow, seeing his drained expression as his lips were pressed into a flat line.

"do you think we would be together for the rest of our lives?" he asks. you felt confused by his words, "what's up with you, and all these questions?" you asked instead, as jungkook shrugged,

"i don't know." he bites down on his lower lip. "just answer me." he finished.

"well i hope so." you reply as a faint smile appeared on his face. "what made you ask all of this?" you asked him, as he pulled away taking a seat over the edge of your bed.

"i feel insecure.."

you take a seat right next to jungkook, as his head was hung low, gaze fixated to the floor.

"i used to love someone, and thought that i'd have a future with them." he explained, fiddling with his fingers nervously — his gaze kept glued to the floor.

"but then they left me."

"i really loved her a lot, and thought nothing would separate us," he inhaled. "but she ended up leaving me." jungkook finished.

you knew that he was referring to aera, recalling what taehyung had told you months ago.

hearing his words, they made you feel sympathetic towards jungkook. you intertwine your hand with his, only making him advert his gaze towards you.

"i won't leave you. i promise, i'll always be by your side." you assured.

with your fingers interlocked with his, he pulls you into a warm hug. "i promise, i will try my best to be good to you." jungkook said, engulfing you into his arms.

"me too." you smiled. "and, you don't need to feel insecure about this, because i love you as much as you love me." you finished.

jungkook pulled away, making eye contact with you as his gaze softened, that adorable smile of his making show. your heart fluttered at the cute sight.

"then, i promise i'll make a future with you."


you picked up the bottle of baby shampoo, as your daughter jiyeon sat comfortably in the tub, playing with the foamy bubbles from her bubble bath.

squeezing some of the soapy liquid over the palm of your hand you begin to gently rub the shampoo into your three year old daughters hair. as you did so, jiyeon looks up towards you.

"mommy?" she spoke out, as you raised a brow waiting for her to speak.

"where's daddy?"

you were slightly taken aback from jiyeons sudden question. you sighed, a smile forming on your face.

"your father is somewhere else." you replied.

jiyeon didn't know much about jungkook, since he had to leave the both of you when she had turned one. it's already been two years since you have last seen jungkook, and it was hard being a motherly figure with no father in the frame right now.

but thankfully, the boys helped you out a lot. after you finished college, you kept in touch with them and they were always there for you since.

and about jungkook, he was just out of the picture.

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