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you paced back and forth in the dormitory, feeling worry invading you, from you thought of taehyung and jungkook's insane fight back at that nightclub.

you brought up your phone glancing at the time. it was past twelve in the morning, and jungkook has not arrived back to the dorm after you got back an hour ago when seokjin dropped you off.


an hour has passed of waiting anxiously for all the boys, to arrive back — more specifically, jungkook.

you abruptly hear the door swinging open, causing you to instinctively turn, the directions of the door. you watch as jungkook slowly enters and shuts the door after himself — each second, you felt yourself growing more and more anxious.

"jungkook," you called out.

he just ignored and walked passed you. you raise a brow, confused but more nervous. you felt worried and that prevented you from blowing up at him for what he's caused at the club.

though he deserved a scolding, or even worse, one beating, he has just gotten into a fight. he has hurt himself — you wanted to be sure, of his well being.

"are you okay?" you hesitate. you approached him, but he avoided, approaching his bed instead, as he dragged his feet. jungkook drops his body onto his bed not giving a single care that you were there.

jungkook acted like you weren't there. just like you were completely invisible to him.

you approach the guy, now standing amongst him, with your arms crossed. "what was all that about?" you ask softly — but as expected you hear nothing, but a light sigh from the miserable boy.

"y/n, just go to bed.. i'm tired." he lazily responds, kicking his shoes off. jungkook seemed exhausted. he was. so you decided to let him be, and adjust to you instead of you attempting to get an answer out of him right away.

you didn't want to force him like how you used to, when you first moved into this dormitory.

as months, weeks, and seconds passed things have drastically change. your relationship with him and the guys has changes — even your own personality has changed. you're less nosy, and more accepting.

and tonight, you had to accept that he didn't want
to talk about what had happened tonight.

"goodnight." you inform, before climbing into bed and turning the lamp off, thats displayed on top of your nightstand.


a week has passed since the incident and you were seated next to seokjin as taehyung sat the opposite side of you. it was currently lunch break.

"hey, you fine? you seem a little off today." hoseok asked, seated in front of you, as he picked towards his lunch before taking a bite out of it. "like, if you don't want your food, i can take it for free, if you'd like me to," the boys sentence is cut off midway as namjoon elbowed and sends hoseok a sharp glare.

"what!" he exclaims, rubbing the side of his hip to ease the pain caused by his friend.

the eldest sighs, "y/n, eat." seokjin demands. "you have got to get at least some food into your system otherwise you can fall ill with your lack of energy." seokjin continued, and takes a spoon full of rice in his mouth.

"you know what, nevermind." hoseok said. he let's out a chuckle. "e—eat your food y/n." the boy said, which knocked you back into reality. "no i'm okay. take it." you responded pushing your tray towards his direction.

"what's with the long face?" seokjin asked.

"yeah, you're usually so happy." yoongi adds as the group nodded along. "jungkooks been avoiding me lately and i don't know why." you add, as taehyung adverted his gaze away from you.

"why are you so concerned?" taehyung enunciates sarcastically, taking a bite of his food — a look, full
of seriousness filling his expression. "leave the guy be, who cares about why he did what he did." your jaw nearly drops, from tashyungs' sudden attitude.

you rolled your eyes, "don't listen to him, y/n." the eldest said, rubbing circle patterns on your back in
a comforting way.

"geez, what's with the mood, buzzkill?" the second eldest of the group, yoongi questioned.

"shut up." taehyung snapped.

you decided to ignore taehyungs filthy attitude, as you brought the main situation, back to the tables' conversation. "i don't know why but it's just weird having him mad.." you transform the topic, with a sigh escaping your lips.

"wow.. is y/n interested in him?" namjoon teased,
to lighten up the mood, at the table. the rest of the boys do the same, except for taehyung. the moody boy just rolls his eyes, annoyance overcoming him hoping this would all just end.

"shut up!" you replied, sending them a glare, as an unintentional smile slowly crept to your face.

hoseok junped, "oh! is that a smile i see?" he asked pointing towards your direction. you dropped your smile coming to realization. but, before you're able
to protest against their teasing someone interfered into the conversation.

"alright, new subject." taehyung interrupts, which caused yoongi to scoff.

"what's the sudden mood with you?" he asks as all
of the guys, including you advert their eyes toward taehyung. "it's nothing i'm just tired." he responds and dropped his chopsticks on the tray afterwards fixing his posture. all the boys and you weren't too convinced that it was just nothing.

but his frustration wasn't any of your concern, so
you decided to ignore him.

it was getting annoying.

suddenly your eyes widened when you advert your focus to the cafeterias entrance watching jungkook entering. "speaking of the devil," namjoon mutters and scoffs. "guess who finally decided to show up."

all the guys look to jungkooks direction. you see as he is scrolling through his phone, and also walking toward the table. he looked up from his phone and as soon as he saw you, he stopped in his tracks.

why'd he stop?

seokjin motioned jungkook to their table gesturing the boy to get to the area. however, he just rolls his eyes and turned on his heel — exiting the cafeteria.

"what is his problem? he just left." hoseok pointed out. "no shit, sherlock." taehyung cursed. he stood up from his seating, along with him picking up his barely eaten lunch food on his tray.

"your favourite guy is here, so i'm out." taehyungs voice sounded sarcastic and unenthusiastic, as his word referred to jungkook finally arriving into the cafeteria. and taehyung then left the table without another word.

you wondered why taehyung is pissed off, but you felt more curious as to why jungkook acted coldly, ever so suddenly toward you. you raised a brow at jungkook escorting, standing up from your seated position earning a few stares from the guys.

"i'm gonna talk to him. i'll be back."

you make your way toward the exit of the cafeteria
as the boys continued eating their lunches.

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