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you examined yourself in the body length mirror, adjusting your tight-fitted attire.

jungkook sauntered out of the bathroom, buckling his leather belt as he approached you. you glanced up at him, "hey, how's this?" you question.

jungkook brought his gaze toward you, looking you up and down.

"you're hot, but isn't that tight?" he then asks. you shot a glare at him, and soon he realized what you assumed he was talking about.

"oh.. oh fuck, i didn't mean it that way." he said. "i don't want other guys looking at you." he responds crossing his arms. "that's all, i swear." you let out a light chuckle, "it looks fine.. i don't think any other guys'll look at me that way." you add and jungkook shrugged, unknowingly aware that your eyes, were fixated on him through the reflection of the mirror.

"better not." he mumbled.

"what was that?" you replied, seeing his annoyed expression immediately transformed into a blank look on his face. "nothing." he said, turning away.

jungkook picked up his keys from his bed, "so you ready? or not," he questions, feeling uneasy about your attire but you weren't aware of it. you turned
to face him and nodded. "alright, let's go." he said.

he opened the door, holding it open for you.

"hey, you sure you wanna wear that? i think i'll be chilly tonight." he insinuated, not liking the dress.

"i can wear whatever i want without yours, or any other boys opinions." you rolled your eyes, "i'll be fine, now lets go." you giggled before walking past him, exiting the dormitory.


you and jungkook entered the nightclub, instantly seeing it packed with dozens of people. "wait but i thought you said, there were only gonna be a little
bit of people coming," you spoke through the loud music, that blasts throughout the entire nightclub.

jungkook shrugs, "i've been to bigger parties.. this isn't much." he responded. you ignore his remark,
and he walked further into the nightclub with you following behind.

the two of you spotted seokjin, and the group. "you guys made it!" the older exclaimes approaching the both of you who stood there side by side.

"hey beautiful," jin greeted giving you a small side hug. "do you go clubbing often?" he wonders. "not
at all." you respond. "maybe two to three times..?" you provided him with an answer as he laughed it
off and lead you to their table. "then i'll make sure you have the best experience." jin assured.

"and we should take you more often. let's go have
a few drinks." he went on through the loud music.

seokjin and jungkook take a seat at the booth, and you spotted taehyung, standing near the bar. your first instinct, was to approach him. regarding that you have been busy with lectures, and given a hell ton of homework you barely hung out with him as much as the both of you used to.

most of the time, you'd mainly hang out with him and the guys during your lunch breaks.

you approach him and noticed as taehyung stared elsewhere around the club, with a glass which you assumed to be filled with whisky was held into his right hand. you admired taehyungs physique, and felt your heart skip a beat.

"taehyung!" you loudly exclaim, making him turn around to face you. "oh, hey," he said, in shock by your presence. you barely went out clubbing, and
out parties so you understood why he was kind of surprised to see you. you chuckled, "jeon brought me." you replied.

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