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"where are we going?" you asked, as jungkook links his arms with yours.

"i'm taking you to a café." he responded. "it's my favourite café." he added, as you smiled.

the two of you are walking on the sidewalk outside, just as many pedestrians passed by. you divert your eyes to jungkook, admiring him as the calm breeze blew through his hair.

you couldn't help but stare, in which he noticed. he looks at you raising a brow, "what is it?" he asked, as concern appears on his face, assuming something is wrong.

"you're cute." you compliment.

he scoffed, holding his chest but felt thankful that nothing was wrong.

"yeah, i'm prettier than you." he responded, as you lightly hit his chest. "ugh, why're you like this." you mumbled, jokingly rolling your eyes.

"we're here," jungkook exclaims, as the two of you stood in front of the café doors.

jungkook held the door opened, as you entered. the both of you took a seat next to the large windows that exposed the beautiful scenery of the sky, many other shops, and even people who were passing by.

jungkook picks up the small menu, which shows a various amount of different beverages, brewed tea, coffee, and snacks to much on.

as he was occupied with the cutely designed menu, your eyes were fixated on him.

you smiled watching as his eyes innocently trailed through the menu options, picking out a drink that seemed the most tasty out of the others.

meanwhile, you felt a feeling invade you. a feeling almost indescribable.

you simply felt happy that you were back together.


a week has passed since your last encounter with jungkook in the dormitory.

because of that, you decided to delay your move of dormitories. taehyung let you stay in his dormitory for a while again, since you felt hesitant to leave.


you were tossing and turning in taehyung's bed, as him and hoseok were fast asleep. no matter how long, or hard you tried to, you couldn't fall asleep. you only ended up staring at the ceiling, for hours.

you sighed, turning on your side, which faced the wall. flashbacks with jungkook filled your mind, which made it harder to sleep.

you were wide awake.

you recalled telling jungkook to give you some time to think about wanting to go back to him or not.

however, throughout the entire time spent since that day, you haven't made a decision yet. you still had yet to give jungkook an answer.

you understood how he was in the wrong for some parts of the story, but he wasn't entirely.

you are just hurt, assuming that he purposely had been cheating on you with yerin. you remembered how he always told you to focus on the future, and not to focus on the past.

you sat up from bed, realizing his words.

"focus on the future, not the past." you rehearsed.

you remember his exact words from months ago, and realized that what he said was right. and you had to do what he said to, these types of situations.

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