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"you know how crazily in love i am, with you." he said, placing a hand on your thigh.

you and jungkook has just finished explaining each sides of the story, different perspectives. you now understood why jungkook did what he did but there was a remaining of uneasiness inside of you.

"i'm sorry for doing this, but i did this for the sake of you." he explained.

you watch in pity, as his brought up the back of his hand wiping his fallen tears from his cheek. the talk you had with jungkook lasted almost about an hour and jungkook was more emotional, than you thought he would be.

"you're the one i love. it's only you, y/n." he added, as you shift your gaze elsewhere around the room.

"all i want is your forgiveness." he stutters between his sentence. you could tell that he was struggling to speak. and jungkook not being able to hold back, he broke down in tears.

heavy tears begin to stream down his pale cheeks as you sat there, absolutely stunned. that's when you knew, jungkooks feelings for you, are truly genuine.

before you were given a chance to speak, the door swings open, causing you and jungkook to advert your eyes towards the doors' direction.

"y/n, sorry i'm late, something came up," taehyung exclaimed, but stopped between his sentence as his eyes landed on you and jungkook together.

with wide eyes, taehyung froze for a short moment processing the sight. you instantly stood up, as taehyung stares at the two of you utterly confused.

"what's going on?" taehyung asked, confused to see jungkook seated next to you, as tears escaped his eyes. "taehyung," you said, but he immediately approached you and grasped onto your forearm, pulling you behind his figure, in a protective way.

"what are you doing here?" jungkook questioned, wiping away his tears as if he didn't just break down. you could sense a hint of anger coming from his voice seeing you with taehyung.

"i was supposed to help her pack up." taehyung responded. "she's moving to the other side of the dormitories." he added, referring to the womens' side of the dorms.

jungkook took a step towards you, "what? i thought you were leaving for a little bit. not moving out of our dorm," jungkook spoke, lifting a brow.

"jungkook, i—"

before you could respond, taehyung cuts you off mid sentence.

"she's leaving because of you." he daringly said, as jungkook tensed up. jungkook's eyes shift towards you, becoming watery all over again.

you mentally curse at taehyung, as your hands ball up into fists. you didn't want jungkook to find out, and you didn't want him to find out this way. you wanted to stop taehyung from talking, but couldn't.

a lump formed in your throat, preventing you from speaking.

"are you really leaving me? but i thought we cleared things up." his voice became unsteady.

you bite your lower lip, not knowing how to reply to his statement. yes, the two of you explained each side of the story through your own eyes, but there is something in you, telling you to not go back to him.

"you might've cleared the air, but that doesn't mean she'd want to be hurt all over again."

taehyung exclaimed, the harshness in the way she spoke only caused goosebumps to form all over your skin. you have never seen taehyung act this way to anyone.

especially to someone he considered as a brother.

taehyung turns on his heel, gesturing with his head for you follow. but before the two of you were about to leave, something stopped you both.

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