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you shut your eyes, throwing your head back as you feel embarrassment, hit you. suddenly, you heard a few loud knocks on the door. you sigh, "taehyung, i told you i wanted to be alo—" you were cut off, mid sentence, just when the door swung open revealing someone who you least expected jungkook.

"where the hell were you?" he swore. "the guys and
i were looking all over for you!" he added as you let out a scoff. "and, you suddenly care?" you question.

he sighs brushing his fingers through his hair. "are you good?" he softly asks kneeling down your level. "i'm embarrassed. your girlfriend humiliated me in front of many people." you reply almost mumbling.

"dude, i told you to be careful." jungkook responds. you sighed, "i know." you added keeping your head hanging low. jungkook stands up, "go wash up." he said. "i'm not letting you go to your next class.. just stay here and relax until you feel better." jungkook was seeming quite nice, regarding that he's usually an asshole towards you. you felt taken aback.

he then extends his hand out signalling you to take it. you took his hand in yours, as he helped you up.

"jesus, you're all fucking drenched," he cursed out. "shit, yerin's aim did you good," the man chuckles.
you release his hand from yours pushing past him.

you weren't in the mood for jokes.

"i don't understand why you care," you rolled your eyes. "wow, you ungrateful son of a bitch," you cut jungkook off mid sentence, by sending him a glare causing him to discontinue between his sentences.

"i only did this shit for taehyung. as if i'd care." the shamelessness in his words, causes you to scoff. as you entered the bathroom, jungkook left the dorm leaving you alone, without a single word.


"you heard me, now get out of my way." i heard the familiar voice speak.

i lean my arm on the rim of the chair i'm seated on but turn around only to see y/n and yerin together.
i raised a brow just confused at what was going on.

i watched as y/n pushes past yerin as an attempted to walk away but suddenly yerin gripped onto y/ns hair, making her stumbled back — my eyes enlarge in shock, but soon turned into a sharp glare when i watch yerin pour a glass of water, all over y/n, and soaking her up from head to toe.

"holy shit," i heard one of the boys curse in shock. i too, was shocked at what i'd just witnessed.

laughter began to fill the cafeteria as y/n dashed off without sparing another second in the cafeteria. for some reason i felt angered, at what yerin did. as for y/n, i felt sympathetic. she was new, and no matter how much she's got on my nerves these past weeks, she didn't deserve what happened to her.

i stood up from my seat, immediately approaching yerin. once i reached her figure, i grasped onto her shoulder, forcefully turning her around to face me.

"jungkook," yerin speaks, struggling to maintain a laugh. her facial expression then transformed into more of a serious one, as she notices the sternness written all over my face, and in my eyes.

for some reason, i was pissed off.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" immediately her smile drops. "why're you acting like this? like a kid, still in elementary school?" i proceed to ask. yerin's stare, made me grow impatient. she is clearly taken aback due to the sudden anger, that irrupted in me.

when she didn't say a single word i rolled my eyes
in annoyance, "you for real enjoy being the center
of attention, huh." i coldly remarked.

the whole cafeteria became all silent. some people gasps at my sudden outbreak, as some mind their own business, as hey should've go begin with. her eyes begin to water, "so..? it's not like you care for her, right?" she asks, and harshly pulled my hand
off her shoulder.

"so what, if i care for someone or don't.. what you
did was fucked up. i'm so done with this. i'm done with your bullshit yerin." i curse out, walking past her, and exited the cafeteria.

seeing her cry as an attempt to guilt-trip me along with the others' was completely bullshit. i was not having none of it. it was stupid and childish of her for humiliating somebody, for no reason. i did not have a single care for that new girl but i knew that what yerin did wasn't right.

i began to feel anger build up inside of me, just as the scene replays in my head over, and over again.
i ran down the hallways in search of y/n but never saw her. i paused in the dimmed hallway catching my breath from the run, still looking around.

"you happy now?" i hear taehyung call out. turning around to face him, i scoffed. "what do you mean?"
i question. "you should've stopped her." he replied, as i exhaled, annoyed.

"i didn't know she was gonna do that." i sigh. "but yeah, i admit.. that was a bitch move." i confessed, afterward growing confused, as taehyung laughed.

"you for real make no sense, jeon." i raised a brow from his statement — taking a step closer towards taehyung, he placed his hands on his hips. "i don't get why you're still with her knowing that she was such a bitch to begin with." taehyung scoffed, and afterwards walked away down the hall.

"you're only defaming yourself. reflect on that." he said slightly raising his voice, and he walked away, without turning around to face me.

i was mad, but also didn't quite understand what's behind taehyungs words when he's said that. was i naive? or was i just neglecting that yerin isn't good news to me?

but aside from yerin, something else occupied my mind — i wasn't only mad at yerin but y/n as well.

it pissed me off knowing that y/n's problems were soon becoming my own.

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