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you are standing at your locker putting away a few
of your unneeded textbooks. all of the sudden, you
felt a arm wrap around your shoulders. "there you are," taehyung exclaimed.

"do you know where jungkook is? that guy did not attend any of his classes this morning." he speaks,
as he motioned hands.

shaking your head, you feel hesitant. "taehyung, i need to tell you something." you mumbled, biting down onto your lower lip. closing your locker you
lead taehyung into an empty classroom, that isn't being used. you shut the door, and turned to him.

taehyung looked toward you, utterly confused.

"you can't tell anyone." you said. taehyung nods in response. "no shit," he responded, with a laugh. "i won't tell anybody, your secret is safe with me." he smiled making you slightly smile, as he nudged on your shoulder.

"so last night.." you start, "i was taking care of him,
by cleaning up his cuts." you proceeded. "and all of the sudden, jungkook kissed me." you explain, and blushed recalling the scene inside your head.

taehyung's smile dropped.

you watched as his eyes widen, "what the hell?" he cursed, stunned by your statement. "god, y/n.." he looks at you, with disappointment. "please, tell me you're joking.." taehyung pleads, placing his hands
on his hips. "did you kiss back?" he questions.

you struggle and stuttered, trying to find words to form into a proper response. "taehyung.. i was not thinking straight.." taehyung sighs, "did you enjoy
it?" he asked, making you freeze.

you paused, "no.." you dryly reply. "you hesitated." taehyung proceeded. "no i didn't." you reply, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "you're blushing.." your eyes widened, coming to realization, from his statement. immediately, you brought each of your hands to your cheeks to hide your blushing he had intentionally caused.

taehyung flashes a smile poking at your reddened cheeks through your hands. "damn y/n's catching feelings~" he cooed causing you to slap his hands away from you.

"who said?" you ask, rolling your eyes. there was a short moment of silence, before taehyung took the rest of your unneeded textbooks out of your hands and places them into your locker for you.

you frowned, watching him do so. "are you mad?"
you questioned, feeling nervously wash over after hearing his response.

taehyung forced himself to a fake a chuckle, "why would i be?" he asked, flashing a smile that didn't seem genuine at all, in your opinion.

"it's not like we're dating," he laughs. "or that i'm
even your boyfriend.. relax a little."


you were taken aback by his words as he took the remainder of your unneeded school supplies and tucking them in your locker. taehyung faces your direction against, "here is your history textbook."

you raise a brow, "huh?" he jokingly rolls his eyes "your next class is history, is it not?" coming back
into realization, your mouth forms to an 'o' shape.
you feel both of your cheeks heating up from your slight wave of embarrassment.

"oh right, well, i guess i better head to class." your voice was unsteady, as taehyung shuts your locker
for you, "don't worry, i'll drop you off." he offered, making your eyes slightly widen. "no, don't. you'll
be late for your own class. just go and don't worry about me." you warned and motioned your hands.

confusion was written all over his face. "but don't
i usually drop you off?"

taehyung usually drops you off. but today you just wanted to get away from him — you did not know what to feel or what to think, after what he said. it
was an odd feeling inside of you after hearing him
say those words.

"it is not like we are dating, or that i'm even your boyfriend.. relax a little."

your focus returned back to taehyung, as he spoke
once again, with a small shrug from his shoulders.

"fine i'll just drop you off tomorrow then." he said,
as you nodded in an instant. you then turned onto your heel, and begin walking away from taehyung.

however you suddenly felt a hand grasp onto your shoulder causing you to stop, between your tracks.

you raise a brow, "what is it," you asked him. "y/n before you go, promise me one thing.." he wore an annoyed yet worried look on his face. you felt a bit hesitant you nodded willing to hear what he has to say. taehyung gulped before continuing.

"stay away from him.. jungkook isn't good news to you." confused at his statement your curiosity that you had inside of you only expanded. "from who?" you slow-wittily asked.

"from jungkook." he replied.

jungkook might've be a fuckboy, and slept around with a lot of girls, but that wasn't entirely a sin. so
it left you confused — you are completely clueless.

taehyung glanced around the halls, keeping watch
in case jungkook or any of the boys are nearby. he
let out a sigh, leaning in closed toward your figure.

he leans toward your ear, "if jungkook ever wants something.. he'll do anything to get it.." taehyung paused, reluctant to continue as you stood frozen utterly confused. you could tell he was hesitant to finish his sentence by the way he nervously bit his lower lip. however, you stayed silent.

"when it comes to anyone or anything, he gets his way, regardless."

there's once again a temporary moment of silence before taehyungs voice lowered, and backed away from you, looking you straight in the eye. he wore
a look filled with sympathy, which was as clear as
a fine glass of water.

"and in this case, all he wants is you."

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