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nervousness hit you, of witnessing the two of them arguing awfully loud. "we aren't even dating, yerin. why are you getting all protective?!" jungkook said aggressively, taking you aback.

you tried your hardest to ignore the both of them, regarding that their conflicts, weren't any of your business. but it was nearly impossible due to how awfully loud and oblivious they were being, not at
all considering that anybody else is nearby.

"fuck you!" you hear yerin shout out catching you
off guard. all of the sudden, you heard a slap-like noise occur from the other side of the dorms door causing you to flinch.

suddenly, the door harshly swung open, revealing the devil himself.

backing away from your desk — you turned to face jungkook, seated onto the wheeled chair. he slams the door shut, causing a loud echo sound, to occur.

"hey, you okay?" you asked.

you can tell he is slightly startled, from the way he turns around to face you. "you're up." he said very unenthusiastically, tucking his hands in his sweat pockets, as he approached his bed.

"yeah, i'm doing homework, but was interrupted." you joked, hoping he'd go along with it. but no, in the room it was silent. you glanced directly to the cheek of his, seeing it red and swollen.

"what happened to you?" you question. he scoffs at your question, "as if you don't know.." he responds coldly rolling his eyes as he walked further into the room, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. you just neglected his attitude, turning back to your papers.

"i thought you hit her.."

"wait, are you serious?" jungkook raised up from a seated position — with disappointment, written all over his smitten face. "you really think i'd hit a girl
or what? i'd never." he defends, regret washes over you for thinking that lowly of him.

"you're actually so stupid, why the hell aren't you
in jail yet." he mumbled, out loud enough for you
to hear. you turn around, "i'm sorry but i was not outside witnessing you two arguing." you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"whatever." he mumbled. "you two were so loud, you're aware that there are others here too?" you asked, but he recklessly ignored your statements.

jungkook adverted his eyes elsewhere around the room. you let out an exhausted sigh, turning back around, facing your papers — retrieving your pen,
you begin writing again.

"we argued all because of you."

in an instant, your eyes widen — you turned to face him, "what the fuck why?" you asked. "yerin is mad because i sided with you!" jungkook points towards you, like a kid accusing another of stealing children crayons.

"so?" you responded. he inhaled, "this is all your fault." he scoffed.

"how the hell is this my fault..?" you crossed your arms. this entire situation didn't at allmake sense
to you, and was complete bullshit.

"i wasn't the one who made that decision." you add, seeing jungkook cross his arms, over his chest. "but you made the decision to talk to yerin that way, last night." he remarked.

"what else was i supposed to do, let her kick me out of our dorm?" you responded. "ugh you're so sassy, you know that?" jungkook said.

"maybe it's not your fault, but yerin's pissed at you now, so you'd better be careful." jungkook warned, turning away. "i don't give a fuck about yerin." you reply, feeling annoyance build up inside you.

"hey, i'm just warning you. i don't plan to be there
to help you out if she does anything." he added, as you listened to him in disbelief. "she's not capable
of anything.. so what's there to be afraid of?" your word seemed like a comedic sentence, making the guy burst out laughing.

"c'mon girl, admit it. you don't know nothing 'bout this place and the people." he proceeded.

"i don't care. plus, who said i need your help?" you replied, with anger filling your voice. he was really getting on your nerves, making you want to punch him in the face. but that'd make everything worse.

"don't say i didn't warn you," he lastly said before pulling a blanket over himself. "i'm exhausted i'm going to bed so stay quiet." he demanded. the boy reached for his lamp displayed next to him, on his nightstand, and switched the light off.

you were slouched in your chair, arms crossed as jungkook settled down. "you aren't even going to wash up?" you hear him sigh after yhe statement.

"i did earlier. shut up, and let me sleep."

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