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your device suddenly started to vibrate, indicating that someone is calling you. picking up the phone,
you checked the caller id realizing it was taehyung.

you felt hesitation refrain you from answering, but hit the accept button, seconds after. "y-you okay?"
he questioned quick, with worry heard in his voice.

it takes a short moment for your words to slip out
of your mouth. "i'm fine." you lied. you weren't. it bothered you for hours, since you locked yourself inside of your dormitory.

taehyung sighed on the other line, before speaking up again. he was unconvinced. "no, seriously y/n." instead of taehyung's excited tone, he was so stern.

he was being serious, and it intimidated you a bit.
"i can tell you're still upset." he proceeded. before responding you hesitated. "no i'm doing fine now, don't worry." you reassured. however, taehyung's still fully unconvinced. he is aware, that what had happened earlier still crossed your mind, and still followed; as if it was a ghost haunting you.

you heard taehyung inhale, "do you want to.." his deep voice trails off, stopping himself from going
any further into his sentence.

"what is it?" you hummed. 

"do you wanna come into mine and hoseok's dorm and hang out for a bit?" taehyung offers, the sound of awkwardness, clearly being heard in his voice. it took you a moment before replying.

"and do what?" you questioned, and he hums. "the hell, i don't know," he replied. "hang out for a bit?" he added, as you rolled your eyes. "kim taehyung.. you better not try to do anything funny," you warn with a demanding tone.

"there you are!" taehyung speaks up with his voice sounding more happy and energetic. "i missed the cold y/n, cause i didn't like seeing you upset."


"what do you say? down to chill or what," he asked, as you take his offer into consideration. "okay, fine. i'll coming over in a bit.." you were discontinued in your sentence, as taehyung immediately speaks up.

"let's hook up."

and there you go, instant regret.

the way taehyung said at the exact same time you replied, shocks you. regret and disgust filled your mind due to his immature intentions of a 'joke' in
his creative form — but you could not help, but to crack into a smile from his playful words.

"shut up, fuckboy." you jokingly respond, giggling. "don't make me laugh," you continue. "ouch, i was only kidding," taehyung paused. you roll your eyes once more pulling your phone away from your ear.

due to your sudden silence through the line, it left curiosity to fill his mind. "y/n," you hear taehyung say. "hello? hey, i said i was kidding.. come back." you place your hand over your mouth, attempting
keep your laugh in as he continued to speak.

"y/n?" he asked again.

god, what a complete loser kim taehyung is. but he was kind of adorable.

"come back, the fuck?" you heard his voice raising through the phone call. but, instead of hearing his voice plead for you, to make a return, you hang up the call, with a evil small chuckle leaving your lips.


you knock against the door a few times waiting for
a few seconds until the door swung open revealing none other, than taehyung himself. immediately, a huge smile formed on his face as he saw you.

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