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An awkward situation.

"Can we talk?"

She asked.




"Maybe at your room? Or do you want to do it in mine?"


"Let's talk in my place."

We went in my room to talk.

"About a while ago.. I just wanted to say sorry.. I might have left you shocked of what happened."

I was really shocked about it!!

"It's.. Okay.."

I sat on the bed while she was standing in front of me.

"I just.. found you pretty earlier and.. you playing my favorite instrument. It's quite a moment I couldn't miss.."

I sighed.

"Are you mad?"

She asked.

"No? Just.."

"I'll not do it again, okay?"

She assured me.

But the fact that.. I just let her do that a while ago without even planning to stop her.. It's just..

"Were you really planning to kiss me? And during training? More worse, in the agency?"

She frowned.

"S-sorry.. I really just couldn't help it.."

"You make me crazy, don't you know that??"

I bent my body and placed my hands on my head.

She slowly went near me and hugged me.

"It's your fault for being pretty."

"I'm confused, Lisa.."

"Confused? About what? Why?"

She looked at me while placing her hands on my shoulder.

We weren't looking at each other because I was staring at the floor.

"I don't understand what I'm feeling.. Why.. Why it's okay with me.. I could've stopped you a while ago but I didn't. Even though I knew it was wrong."

She didn't respond then I looked at her.


"You only have the answer to yourself Jennie..."

I think.. I.. like her.

Madly, deeply. Risky.

I wasn't sure about what I had inside. The nervousness that I felt around her.

But I really think that this is the answer.

"I think.. I like you too.."

"You're not sure about it??"

"That's why.. I'm confused.. But I really think I am.."

"Then think well about it first."

She removed her hands from my shoulder.


I said while still being nervous.


"I want that touch. Your touch for me. In the hands, shoulders or anywhere. It makes me crazy."

"Then you might really like me back."

Am I really? I'm so stupid for not knowing. I don't know about any of this because I'm not interested in love. But I think I am now..

I hid my whole body inside the blanket.

"I might be crazy! Liking your mentor is insane!"

She went near me.

"It's not.. It's still love. Jennie.. I think you don't just like me, I think you've already fallen in love."

She sat down on my bed.

What?? Me?? In love?

"Why?? How do you know?"

"It's.. Most of the things you told me proves it.."

"How are you certain that it's love? I don't know these stuffs!"

"Because.. that's what I feel towards you."


Here it goes again, my heart beating.

I quickly sat down and placed her hand on top of my heart so she could feel my loud heartbeat.

"Can you feel it Lisa? It's my heart beating. And that's what I feel every time I'm around you."

She held my hand and placed it down but she didn't let go.

"Then that's the answer Jennie. Don't fool yourself. You're in love."

It was the first time for me to feel this thing. It's insane! But it feels good.

"Then what am I going to do about it?"

"Just.. Let it be?"

"Why is it so easy for you to say that? You're a mentor and I'm your trainee. In any view, it's really wrong."

I removed my hand from hers.

She hugged me.

"Jennie. It's not easy for me too. Why do you keep on thinking like that? You think everything is easy for me?"

I cried a bit.

She removed the hug then she held my face.

"Wait.. Jennie? Are you crying?"

I didn't say a word.

"There's nothing to cry about, don't cry. I'm here."

She caressed my hair.

"It's crazy how I've fallen in love with you."

I lied down and faced sideways on the other direction.

At that moment I didn't know what to do.

I felt that she was right. I really am in love with her.

"Do you want me to go now?"

She asked.

How could she leave me during this time?!

"You're leaving me?"

"I.. Think you want space.."

I didn't respond.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until I suddenly fell for a nap. Crazy!

As I woke up I noticed her presence.

I couldn't believe she was still here the whole time with me and didn't leave.

I faced her while still lying down.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"Because I haven't heard an answer."

She was reading a book.

I pouted and looked down.

She suddenly caressed my hair.

It felt so good.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

Is she teasing me? Or it's just my thinking? She sounded sincere when she asked me.

"I accidentally slept.. I'm sorry.."

"It's okay baby."


She was reading a book with one hand while the other was on my hair.

I feel like suddenly giving in to her. What's the point of hiding my feelings when I couldn't even help it?

I went closer to her.

I was still lying down sideways facing her direction.

She then placed her hand on my back and made motion.

I looked at her.

Focused on the booked she was reading. She had too much attention on the book and it felt like I was forgotten.

"Is that the book you gave me?"

I tried to make a question for her to place her attention to me.


She continued reading.

"Then why is it that you're reading it? Aren't I supposed to be the one reading that?"

She pouted and didn't say anything. She still continued to read the book.

Fvk. When is she gonna look at me? I'm becoming desperate.

Is this how you feel when you're in love?!

I removed her hand and sat down facing the other direction.

I held my position for a few minutes.

"What's wrong, Jennie?"

You're too busy with the book!

Doesn't she even notice that?

I didn't respond.

Then she sat behind me. Already letting go of the book.

She held my arms.

"Why? Are you still sleepy?"


"Do you want to do something?"


"You just really like sitting down like this?"

I didn't respond again which made her sit down beside me.

She held my face.

"Omg.. Are you sad?"

She was looking at my face left to right.

"No.. It's just.. It's absurd."

"Huh? Which one? Do you mean us?"

Us? Is it us already? Heol.

"N-no.. Why am I feeling this??"

"The what?? Tell me so we could talk about it!"

"You're too busy with the book, it bothers me."

I removed my body from her.

She laughed.

"Why are you laughing??"

"It's just.. You're just too cute, Jen."

I looked at her.

"You won't even look at me because you're busy with the book."

I stated with a mad face.

"Are you jealous of the book??"

She laughed again.

"Is it funny?"

I was starting to get mad, for real.

She hugged me.

After parting from the hug she placed my hair at the back of my ear.

"So you're greedy of my attention, huh?"

"Stop it Lisa, it's not funny."

She kissed my cheek.

"I love you."

I looked at her shocked.

"Don't you ever get jealous to a book again. That's so hilarious!"

I didn't respond because my heart felt so good when she kissed my cheek.

I liked it so much.

"Eh.. You're not gonna talk to me the whole time now?"

"Because you're annoying."

"Baby, I'm not! You're so cute when you get angry."

She pinched my cheek.

Then she placed her arm on my shoulder.

I leaned on her body.

Then she started playing with my hair again.

"Sorry. I'll give you the attention you want starting from now."

I hugged her on the waist.


"By the way Jennie.. I have something to tell.."

I looked at her while she was still touching my hair.

"What is it?"

"Why do you look so cute right now? I want to kiss you."

Fvck. Fvck it, Lisa. You're making me nervous again.

"Will you let me?"

I gulped.

Holy fvck.

I wasn't able to respond.

She suddenly pointed my nose.

"I'm kidding! That's not what I'm going to say."

I parted from her.

"You made me nervous!! I hate you!"

She laughed then grabbed my body. Placing her arm back on my shoulder again.

"Hehe. Actually umm.. I actually have a performance tomorrow and.. I'd like you to witness it..."

"A performance?"

She nodded.


"It's somewhere far from here.. You think you could come after training?"

"Are we leaving together?"

"I have to go first.. Sorry.. I have to prepare for it. Can you make it by yourself? I'll guide you with a message or send you a map."

"O-okay.. Good luck."

She let go of me and grabbed her things.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

She smiled at me.


I followed her until she reached the door.

And the day went like that.

I confirmed I was in love.

I'm still not certain if we're already in a relationship but I like what we have now and I want to keep it like this even though it's wrong.

[ This chap is so cute aaaaa >< ]

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