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I slept midnight and shoot I'm late.

I hurriedly went to the agency, good thing it's really not that far from my place!

"Oh, you came in late?"

Her approach feels so cold..

"S-sorry.. Ms-- Coach Lisa.."

I followed what the other trainees mostly called her.

"In the music room everyone, please."

We went in the music room.

"She looks bv, as in bad vibes!"

Jisoo whispered.

"Why? What happened?"

"I don't know.. But earlier I overheard that two trainees wanted to quit.."

Quit? But the month just ended.


Ms. Lisa caught our attention.

"Stop talking with each other please, we're now here to train."

Thankfully, she didn't point us out while Jisoo and I were talking.

"It's now time to pick your instruments."

Coach Rosé, Nayeon and Dahyun are also here.

"Jisoo.. What are you picking?"

"Me? Maybe flute since it sounds cute! And rhyming! You?"

She giggled.

"Tch.. I don't know.."

"Oh no, make your mind up now!"

Most of the trainees chose drums and flute.

I could still enter the drums session but I really don't feel being with the crowd.

So it leaves me up with my choice violin.

"Jennie it's your turn to pick."

Coach Rosé said.


I looked at both the violin and piano. 

What if.. Piano? But okay, let's stick with violin! First choice!!


And then I saw Ms. Lisa talking with Coach Dahyun.


"Okay, so piano's your choice."

Wait what? I said I was supposed to say violin but my mouth said piano??

"Okay so far, a lot really picked drums and flute. I guess you're really eager to learn those instruments! But don't worry, other instruments are good too." -Coach Nayeon

"For the instruments lesson, we'll be having Nayeon for the flute. Dahyun for the drums. I'm on the violin and Lisa on the piano." -Coach Rosé

W-what.. I thought we're only having the three of them and Ms. Lisa was just gonna assist this time??

"We'll officially be starting today." -Coach Dahyun

Trainees went to the instrument of their choice, there were also other music rooms full of the certain instruments we had as choices so we parted ways with the other trainees.

Both 8 trainees for drums and flute while both 4 trainees for violin and piano.

We then started our session immediately.

Ms. Lisa played a demo for us. Afterwards we were given a chance to play it by ourselves.

But why did I pick piano?? I wanted to learn violin.

"Wrong. Here, in this key."

Ms. Lisa just pointed it out but didn't control my hand.

Is she mad about the Ms. Lisa issue??

"By the end of 2nd month you guys will have to perform individually, any song of your choice using the instrument you picked."

She had one on one sessions with the other trainees and dismissed them immediately afterwards while I came up last.

She made me play the song she demoed a while ago.

"Fast learner."

She commented.

"T-thank you Ms. Lisa.."

"You have to pick a song to play for the end of 2nd month. You're now dismissed."

W-wow.. That was fast.

Jisoo and I were at the cafe.

"I really thought you were going for violin. Aren't you supposed to say that? You said v..." -Ji

"I don't know what happened too but learning piano is actually fun. How about you?"

"Oh no.. Such a mess, too crowded and we have to buy our own flute. You know for hygienic purposes. Gosh."

"Seriously? But do they have enough violins and drums too?"

"No idea.."

I got the cake we ordered from the counter since it was late to be served and I saw Ms. Lisa on the other counter. She was lining up to buy.

I went back to Jisoo.

"Hey, are you free tomorrow?" -Ji

"Tomorrow? Why?"

"I want to bring you to the mall since it's the end of the month they've got a lot of sale clothes!"

"What? Really? Let's go!!"

I was walking home already.

I don't know if Ms. Lisa is still in the cafe or at home.

But we suddenly saw each other on the elevator. I just bowed. She was sipping her coffee.

Suddenly our hands felt sensation when the elevator became crowded. Our hands slightly touched each other's but I quickly moved my hand away.

She still wasn't talking to me neither looking.

I suddenly want to feel her touch once again. I miss it when we play the piano.

The elevator was free of people when it was on 12th.

13th floor. No talks from Ms. Lisa so I greeted her goodbye but she just waved her hand and sipped coffee.

I was in bed thinking about the two trainees, why quit? It's gonna end soon. Just a few more days, they can just stay for a little while longer.

[ Hope you're enjoying my story aaa ]

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