The burn in my soul 4

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The man stood there smiling at them. Like he knew how to get them under their skin. The brunette looked at her girlfriend with worried eyes. 

"I love you" the girl says to the brunette.

They all stood there watching when the girl ended up being burned. She stood there motionless. Tears running down her eyes and she fell to the ground with her knees first. She could feel the agonizing pain in her body. Her soul was burning and her heart was about to burst out from her chest.

The tribrid woke up cause her girlfriend was trashing and screaming in her sleep. Hope tried to wake her up but she kept screaming and tears running down her face.

"Baby wake up.. Jo please wake up.. your safe" she kept saying to the brunette that was now crying.

Hope held her tight and refused to let go. Josie in the other hand woke up scared, she jolted up just to feel strong arms around her and her girlfriends voice telling her that she was safe.

The nightmares began 2 weeks ago. Hope was worried about her and she knew they needed to tell their families but Josie often shook it off and told her that it was just a dream and that she was okey.

This did not sit well with the tribrid and it had caused them to fight. Normaly this would not have bothered her but the way her girlfriend kept her at arms length about it made the girl worried.

"Josie this is the forth night that you hade same nightmare are you seriously telling me that you are not gonna talk to your mother about it?" Hope asked the brunette.

Josie was furious at the time. She never wanted to argue with her girlfriend about this and she knew keeping it to herself was not good for her but she did not want to talk about it cause if she did then it would be real just like her dream about Hope.

"I'm not gonna talk about some stupid nightmare with my mom Hope, why can't you just leave it alone" she shouted at her.

"Leave it alone? Josie I would have left it alone if it wasn't the fact that you had this nightmare four times in a row and always the same" the tribrid was now getting irritated.

"Four night of you screaming and crying and begging for someone to stop hurting you, do you honestly think I would just let it go?" Hope was trying to get the girl to understand her worries.

Josie shook her head and was angry for some reason. She felt the wave of anger through her vaines. Without thinking straight she pushed Hope with a powerful magic and she flew through the other side of the room and hit the wall which scared her and Hope was stunned.

"H.. Ho.." Josie tired to speak but was too shook over what she just did. She never ment to hurt her love but she did.

The tribrid on the other had was having some mixed feelings about what happend. She guested Josie to keep her mouth shut

The shorter girl walked away from her girlfriend. With golden eyes and a small growl Josie stood still and just watch when the girl walked out of the room without a word.

She felt really guilty and horrified. She never wanted to hurt her she just wanted them to stop arguing. Maybe she should talk to her mother. This was getting out of hand.

For the past 2 days Hope had been avoiding her, they slept in separate rooms for the time being and Josie was hurting, Lizzie knew about it cause she could feel her through the twin bonding.

Hope stopped eating with her and their friends and it causes some issue and their friends knew not to ask the brunette.

The tribrid had been skipping classes those days just to catch some sleep. She had been running in the woods just to keep her mind out of her girlfriend.

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