No Doubt 3

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A few months have passed and the engagement ceremony for the new engaged couple have been announced. 

Klaus Mikaelson was the last on in his family who found out about it and he was not happy.

On the bright side, Princess Josie Parker is engaged to her long time girlfriend of 3 years Hope Mikaelson. It was not long ago that Princess Elizabeth Parker had her engagement ceremony to her high school boyfriend Milton Greasly. Are we gonna get a double wedding? Maybe. We can always hope so. We in chanel 5 want to say  Congratulations to Princess Josie and Hope Mikaelson. We are very happy to be the first ones to announced you engagement.

Klaus was furious at his siblings and  wife. Hens this is why they where arguing now.


No one really cared since he was the one who had a problem with Hope.

"Darling as much as I love you, you need to speak to your daughter and make a mends. She made it very clear that me and your siblings are not to interfere in your fight" Hayley said.

He looked at his wife and was very sad. He was heartbroken over the fact that his own daughter didin't tell him that about her engagement.

The next day be flew to the big city and went to Hopes shop. He stood there and waited for her to arrive.

Hope on the other hand had been busy with her upcoming exhibit and also the upcoming engagement ceremony her soon to be mother in law was planning together with her mother.

Hope have been seeing her mother and aunts a lot lately since they are spending more time with her and Josie.

Today though she was setting up the last paintings and make sure that the guest had enough champagne and other finger snacks and also some goody bags. Tomorrow night was the night she would open her doors for the big artist. If tomorrow would go well she be able to sell some of her paintings and then she would expand her company and help kids with their artistic skills.

As Hope arrived to her shop she didin't see her father waiting for her across the street. She opend the door and started her morning rutin. Her assistant Jed would arrive at any moment and he would have some brakefast with him as he have done for the past 5 years.

Jed has been by her side since collage and he was the only one who knew about Josie and Hope when they started seeing each other. He had been there throughout their entire relationship and he was happy for her to have someone like Josie in her life.

Klaus walked into her shop and was now standing in front of his daughter.
Hope was suprised to see him standing there.

She got a bit irritated since she absolutely made it clear that she did not want anything to do with him.

"Why are you here" she said a bit harsh.

Klaus sigh and shook his head.

"Is it like this it's gonna be from now on? You are going to ignore me for the rest of your life" he asked with a hurt expression.

"Didin't I make it clear 6 months ago that I didin't want anything to do with you" she answered back.

Klaus felt a pang in his chest.

"I.. I thought you just needed time" he said with a low voice.

Hope chuckled lightly.

"No, I ment every word of it. I don't want anything to do with you. You made it perfectly clear that you hated my fiancé and wanted us to brake up.. so yeah we did for a short time" she said.

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