The Arrangement

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As Hope ran out from her home she could hear her father scream her name asking her to come back.

Tears keeps on running down her eyes as she runs for her horse.

She needed to see him, her beloved. She didin't want to get married to someone she did not love. Her heart belongs to only one person and it was the sweet goofy boy that she loved.

As she got to his house she ran inside and up to his room only to find him in bed with another woman.

"Lan.. oh my god" she says as she finds them naked.

"Ho..Hope.. it's not what you think" he says but she shook her head.


Hope throws the necklaces that he had given her the day he promised to take care of her and always be faithful.

"My father was right, you are a disgrace of a man" she hissed and ran out of his house.

She ran away into the woods to find her peaceful place. She needed to be alone and she needed to make a decision that will change her life forever.

Her father wanted her to marry one of his friends daughters to keep the binding between their family stronger. Apparently the Parkers are the most powerful people in the world and her father needed their approval to become an alliance if he wanted to become the next Mayor and the Parkers knew people in the higher places.

But right now her heart is broken and she felt betrayaled by a man who is supposed to love her.

Josie Parker is the next in line to take over the family business. She had studied business and economics and she was well educated. She knew how to deal with old men that refuse to help them because she was a woman and not a man. They did not want to have a woman as their superior.

Her mother Josette Parker was the head of the family. A well educated woman who would do anything to keep her girls safe. She was also the most ruthless person if you ever cross her and her family. Doing business in wall street is never easy for a woman no matter how good you are unless your name is Josette Parker. She will slit your throat just to get what she wants, not figurely but in a sens of scaring the shit out of you unless she really means it.

Josette and Klaus made a deal to get their daughters to marry and she would help him become the Mayor. In return her daughter Josie who have been in love with Hope since they where kids would marry his daughter. He had agreed just because he did not find Landon good enough for his daughter and also because he knew he was unfaithful to her.

When Josie's mother told her that she had arrange for her to marry her friends daughter she was not happy. She got angry and walked to her cottage and barricaded herself inside the little house. Her heart broke because she couldn't love someone else unless it was Hope. She did not get out from her little house for days.

It had been a week since Hope was told that she was to be wed a stranger and that she had found her ex boyfriend in bed with another woman. She had made a decision to go with her fathers wishes just because she thought she did not thing she would find someone else to love. Who would marry a broken woman.

Today she was going to meet her soon to be fiancé and she was not looking forward to it. She just hoped that the woman she was gonna marry was a decent person.

She was up in her room when she heard a car pull up and she heard distant voices outsie her window.

She didin't want to go down but her father had called her down.

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