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"Leo?" Oh no, why now

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"Leo?" Oh no, why now. "Leo? Leo isn't in his room."

"What?" Their footsteps pass my door and Leo's door was opened, then slammed shut. "Where is Leo? Reo!"

I wait patiently for them to open the door, rethinking every lie believable. "Yes dad."

"Where is Leo?" Mom asks, her hands on her thin waist and small eyes glaring at me.

"I don't know." I answer, shrugging nonchantly.

"What? Where is your brother Reo?" Dad stalks closer to my, looking twice his size.

"I don't know. We came home together, he went to his room, I didn't know when he left." That was the best excuse I could think of while my dad held my gaze.

"You, you... I warned you. I warned you not to pull off any crazy plan you had in mind Reo!" I cower away from his rising voice.

"Does he have any friends? Where does he go to?"

"I don't know. You're his parents remember." I look down on my feet the entire time.

"Oh, where is my baby? What if he's hurt, or worse, someone is harming him." They walk out, dad's retreating figure reluctantly believing my lie.

"He'll come home, don't worry. He must come home." Dad coos.

Leo didn't come home. It was nine, and dad was getting paranoid, he kept looking at me waiting for me to spill.

"Reo. Where is your brother?" Mom resorted to a calm approach, her voice shaky and hoarse from all the crying.

"I don't know." I rub my cold elbow, something was wrong.

It was ten and still no signs of Leo. At this point, I was convinced he went to a party or maybe got drunk with the Tommy he was protecting.

"Reo." Dad asked, his voice betraying the shake of his body.

It was twelve. No one was asleep, my mom laid flat of the floor, rolling and comforting herself in mummurs.

"Let's call the police." Mom said.

"Twenty-four hours-"

"My baby could be hurt out there somewhere and you're telling my twenty-four hours!" Mom got off the floor, her eyes narrowed in slits.

"You're worried about that? What about the Havard scholarship? We're to meet them on Monday, Monday!" Dad shouted.

"You're worried about Havard? Havard!" And they started arguing.

"You're not worried about Havard? We've worked for this all his life, and you're not worried?"

"Maybe he ran away." Mom started crying again. "He ran away from us. Reo, Reo please tell me where he is."

"I don't know."

"What will happen to Havard?"

"What will happen to Havard?"

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