Chapter One

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AN- This takes place a couple months after the Giant war, also I ship Perabeth, Solangelo, and Jasper. I just did this because it sounded fun.

Jason was visiting Camp Half-Blood, to spend time with his girlfriend, Piper and his cousins and sister. Of course Hazel was here as well, to visit her brother, as Frank was busy doing 'Praetor Stuff' as she called it.

Right now Jason was laughing with his cousin Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Suddenly they heard scream coming form Thalia's tree (He still found it hard to believe, that his sister was a tree ). They rushed over to see two boys, being chased by two hellhounds, screaming their heads off.

Without even looking at each other, they grabbed their weapons, Percy's was a pen that transformed into a sword, Riptide. Jason had pulled his Gladius and rushed after him/

They each took a hellhound, and slashed swiped and stabbed. And were now just covered in a thin layer of golden dust.

Jason's P.O.V

"Hi" Percy said, "What are your names?". The first boy, had dark brown hair, and brownish-red eyes, probably an Ares kid. The other had light red hair and blue eyes. He had looked a lot like the Stolls, so maybe a son of Hermes.

"We defeated these monsters!" The Red haired kid yelled. Wait. What?

"These two, just stood there!" The Brown haired added. What? I looked at Percy and he looked just as confused.

The campers glared at us, we tried to explain but they were already helping the new campers.

Percy's P.O.V

Those new campers lied!

The first was a son of Ares, his name was Adrian. The other was a son of Hermes, named Joshua.

Everyone seemed to believe the two, except The Seven, Thalia, Nico, and Calypso, so we were fine our friends believed us.

But soon we lost them as well, campers stuff was stolen, and me and Jason were blamed for it.

We didn't steal Annabeth's Invisibility Cap, or the Stolls pranking supplies. We didn't mess up Katie Gardeners, flower bed. But we were blamed.

Everyone left us, the only people that beloved us were Thalia and Nico, (they had been having a hard time too, but I don't know what it's about) not even Annabeth and Piper.

----------------------------------------------------A Few Weeks Ago----------------------------------------------

Nico's P.O.V.

I was talking to Thalia, we both were not going through good times.


Me and Thalia were walking in the forest, and talking the she was staying for a few weeks, and we were spending time together.

Suddenly there was a bright glow, and we covered our eyes, when it dimmed, we saw Artemis.

"Lady Artemis" We said bowing down, she looked angry.

Thalia noticed to because she asked, "Is there a problem My Lady?"

"You are no longer a hunter Thalia!" She shouted, we looked up, surprised to see her glaring at us, we both got up.

"Why?" I demanded, "She hasn't done anything!" Thalia gave me a small smile for defending her, and she looked really pretty like that. Wait. What?! I didn't just think that.

"You two are here together on a date!" Artemis shouted. What? a Date?

"This isn't a date, My Lady" Thalia tried to explain. Key Word- Tried, Artemis wasn't hearing it. She walked up to Thalia, and snatched her circlet. She gasped, and I could see tears in her eyes, but she blinked them away. She started walking away.

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