Chapter Five

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"No" I say coldly and we walk through the portal.


Nico's P.O.V

"What was that?!" Bianca yelled, the minute we stepped through the portal. Chaos wasn't there so we got some time to talk.

"We'll explain everything after we introduce our selves" Jason said, we let them to the lounge and they started at it in amazement.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo" I said, and grinned. "In case you didn't know Bianca's sister"

"Percy Jackson" Percy said pulling down his hood, like I did.


"Jason Grace, Thalia's brother"

"Reyna, Jason's girlfriend" They all said, pulling down their hoods.

They stared at us, "Your parents are looking for you!" Silena finally said,  we scowled.

"They aren't our parents" Percy said darkly, they looked confused. We explained everything to them, about the war with the Titans and Then about the Romans, Gaea, and everyone betraying us.

After we finished they were all scowling as well

"How dare they!" Zoe shouted, surprising us all, "How dare My Lad- No How dare Artemis say that!" She pulled of her hunter jacket and threw it in the fireplace, and Bianca followed. We blinked, and then Thalia grinned and we followed.

Suddenly Chaos appeared, they were about to bow but stopped when they saw us causally lounging  on the couch not bothering to get up. They hesitantly sat back down, and waited Chaos to talk.

"Wonderful!" Chaos yelled, and they jumped and we snickered.

"What?" Luke asked.

"I hate it when people call me 'Lord'" Chaos explained, and they all smiled.

"I know!" I said, understanding their smiles, "much better than the gods!" They nodded, and Chaos smiled.

"Now" He said, "Let me give all you my blessing, and new weapons and your code names"

Chaos gave us disguised weapons, made of Chaos metal, It was only found on the Void, and is really rare, it is indestructible. Chaos Metal has the power to fade Gods, Titans, and even some Primordals, but only when we wanted to, otherwise it works like normal demigod weapons. Chaos made us promise, that we would never fade an immortal being, unless they attacked us first.

Me, and Luke both got rings that turned into swords. Jason got a coin that turned into a gladius and benckerdof got one that turned into a sword. Thalia, Bianca, and Zoe  got bows and arrows, that melted into their robes. Silena and Reyna but got necklaces, Silena's turned into a dagger, and Reyna's a javelin. Percy got a pen, that turned into a sword like riptide. We threw away our old weapons, all of us wanted no connections to our life on Earth. 

When Chaos blessed us, we basically became immortal, more powerful versions of our godly parents. Or in Zoe's case Artemis. We would easily be able to beat them. We also were able to teleport anywhere in the galaxy, and could talk to each other through our minds.

"Now, code names!' Chaos said, we all thought for a minute.

"what about I be lightning and Jason be thunder?" Thalia asked, we all agreed.

"Yeah and I can be 'gems' and Nico be 'bones'" Bianca exclaimed. Soon we all had our code names.

Reyna- Scipio

Jason- Thunder

Thalia- Lighting

Nico- Bones

Bianca- Gems

Luke- Blade

Percy- Storm

Zoe- Star

Silena- Dove

Benckerdof- Forge

Things were looking up.

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