Chapter Seven

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Oh this was going to be fun

Storm's P.O.V

Of course we weren't looking forward to going on Earth, but the gods were desperate, and you don't see that everyday.

Chaos helped us decide on what we wanted to do, he said that if we didn't want to we didn't have to go. Because unlike the gods, we actually took our opinions into consideration and didn't force us into life threatening situations. Not that it was life threatening, we had enough experience to take down those Titans ourselves.

We decided, that on our last day there we would reveal ourselves. We thought it would be funny fir them to see us and then we walk away. But I wasn't looking forward to the people that betrayed us. Star was ready to beat up Annabeth, the Hunters and Artemis . Lightning was ready to beat up Piper. Same with Gems for Hazel, and Hades. Plus Forge and Dove were already sharpening their weapons against Aphrodite and Hephaestus, they can sure hold a grudge. Well Dove was more ready to charmspeak Aphrodite into doing something embarrassing, 'give her a taste of her own medicine' Dove said.

"Let's get this over with" Bones said, as well walked through the portal Chaos had made us, he said that it would take us to Olympus. Oh Goodie-notice the sarcasm.

"We walked through the portal, and to our surprise the gods AND both camps were there.

"Damn Chaos" I muttered, and I could hear the army grumbling in agreement.

'The CAMPS are here too!?' Bones mentally screamed.

'Great' Scipio sighed.

'Lets introduce ourselves, who should go first?' I asked. 

'You' Everyone replied.

'Your the commander' Star, said reassuringly, I sighed, and stepped forward.

"Hi" I said, and I could, here the army snickering.

"Who are you, I demand you tell me at once" Zeus yelled, pointing his lightning bolt at me. I rolled, me eyes.

"Dramatic much?" Thunder muttered, and we all coughed to hide our laughs. 

"I'm Storm, son of Chaos and this is my army" I said, motioning to the others, and they stepped forward to introduce themselves.









"Scipio" They all said, stepping forward, when the said their name, everyone glanced, at each other. and the gods sat down again. I waved my hand and the portal closed.

Another thing Chaos gave us was the ability to make 'Thrones' out of nowhere, after Bones complained that he had been standing to long after a meeting, on Planet 435. Gems was made of Gems. Bones was made of Shadows.. Star, was of moonlight, Forge's was metal, Thunder and Lightnings were made of storm clouds. Scipio and Dove's were black and pink, or royal purple. Mine was like Chaos's. Blade usually didn't summon his Throne, he mostly just ran and incredible speeds and stole one, but today he summoned one, it was black and silver.

We sat down, and smirked as the gods and campers gaped at us.

"Are you going to tell us how we can help?" Gems asked, sarcastically, lounging on her seat of gems. 

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