Chapter Three

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Together we charged into the monsters


Percy's P.O.V.

Just as I was about to slash the first monster into dust, the air got dark, and the monsters ran away.

Out came a man, who looked about twenty. He had pale skin, and hair so dark Hades would be jealous. But his eyes were amazing, they were black with speckles of white, blue, and every other color. He wore simple black armor, it looked similar to Stygian iron, but it had lines of silver. His cloak was pure black, with what looked like stars and asteroids.

Whoever this was, he was powerful more than the gods. I wanted to bow down to him, but I didn't, it seemed my friends had they same idea.

"Wonderful!" The man exclaimed, clapping his hands, causing us to jump.

"Who are you?" Jason asked, pointing his Gladius at him and we did the same.

"I am Chaos" He said, like it wasn't a big deal. Which it was.

"Chaos" Thalia said faintly, "Like the Chaos, creator of the universe?" He nodded. We all bowed and I said.

"It's an honor to be in your presence, Lord Chaos"

"No! No!" He yelled.

"Umm, It's not an honor to be in your presence?" I said, though it came out more as a question. Reyna face-palmed, to my surprise, he chuckled.

"I don't like being calmed Lord, and all of those formalities" He explained, I turned to my friends, the grinned. "I was wondering if you would like to join my army"

"I would" We all said, without hesitation, Chaos explained that I would be the Commander, and I would lead Thalia, Nico, Jason, Reyna, and some others. We would travel planets, and would most likely never return to Earth. That was good enough.

Chaos teleported, us to his palace on a planet called, Void. The palace was amazing it was black and silver with red and blue colors. We gaped at the palace and Chaos smirked at our reactions. He lead us into a hallway with ten doors, five of them had our names on them. I walked to the room with a gold plate that said, 'Perseus'

"It's just Percy, Lord Chaos" I said, forgetting what he had said earlier.

"It Chaos, Percy" He responded. We all laughed. "You will be able to costimize your rooms after we get the others" He explained to us once we claimed the room, all we had to do was imagine what we wanted it to look like and it would. He smiled at the thought was not have our parents, I mean the gods, they aren't our parents anymore, design our living space.

"Who are the other rooms for?" Thalia asked.

"The rest of the army, you will go to Elysium and choose five warriors" Lo-Chaos responded. We exchanged smiles. "You can discuss in the lounge" Chaos said, not waiting for us to answer, he turned on his heel, and we followed.

We gasped. The lounge was amazing, I had a swirling ceiling that looked like a galaxy, there were couches and chairs, that looked really comfy and were white, with soft pillows. There were three coffee tables that were silver, and had the plates and cups just like Camp-Half Blood. The walls, were a dark, almost black, Navy blue, with red and silver accents. In short it was awesome.

"Sweet!" I hear Jason say. We all sit down, Jason and Reyna sit on a love-seat and Jason slings and arm over her shoulder, Thalia and Nico sit on a couch, and I sit on an arm chair. I quickly grab a blue and red plate and ask for blue cookies. I start munching on them and see that Thalia and Nico also have blue cookies, while Jason, and Reyna just have coffee.

We sit there content, remembering how much our lives are going to change.

"So.." Nico says, breaking the silence, "Who are we going to ask?" He was bouncing up and down, I guess it was because he would see Bianca again.

"Can we ask Bianca?" He asked, smiling. We all agreed, and he looked happier than I thought possible.

"What about Luke?" Thalia asked,

"and Silena?" Jason asked, I bet he heard about her from Piper.

"And Zoe?" I asked, the looked, at me and I blushed slightly, I wanted to get to know her better.

"Yeah! And if Silena is going Benkerdof (A/N Sry Don't know how to spell it) is coming" Nico said. We agreed to call those five, and set of to find Chaos.

"Um, Chaos!" we yelled, suddenly Thalia whispered an idea for us.

"LORD Chaos!" We yelled and and Chaos appeared before us,

"Don't call me Lord" He whined, we grinned at him, 'he's much better than the gods' I thought

"Why thank you, Percy" Chaos said,

"Huh? I said that out loud" I asked. The all laughed at that/

"Well have you decided on who your are choosing?" Chaos asked, he nodded, "Then lets go to the planning room.

He led us to a room, that had the same walls as the lounge, but had a big silver circle table in the middle, and 10 black chairs in the around it. "Here you will plan, your missions" Chaos explained.

"Awesome!" Nico said, we were a bit surprised, that we had said, than. but that that Bianca was coming I suppose he would be all normal again.

Chaos threw us some cloaks, "These cloaks can't be taken off, by anyone except the wearer, and anyone, in the army an see through it" He said, We changed into the cloaks, I could see that they were itch black, with silver linings.

Chaos, then made a portal, he said it would take us to Elysium and we walked into the swirling hole to meet some old friends.

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