Chapter Ten

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The Army, walked to the forest, and teleported to  their cabin.

When they reached they burst out laughing, "Did you see their faces?" Storm gasped, falling onto the couch, with Star on top of him, not that he minded. 

"and Zeus!' Lighting laughed.

'He looked so scared" Thunder smirked. They all calmed down, and sat in the lounge.

"Wow, we haven't done this in a while" Bones said, looking around. The others nodded, on the Void, they hardly ever got the missions all together, and were always busy on missions of their own, and didn't get much time to see each other. 

"We should have a game night" Scipio suggested, and they nodded, whenever they had time,, they always spend time together having fun. 

Storm nodded, and summoned more bored games then they could count, they decided that they would play after lunch. 

They walked, out after straightening their robes, and started training. 

storm conjured an army of dummies for then and they got to work, Star, Gems, and Lightning all started shooting them with arrows, Gems and Star from below and Lightning from above (she got over her fear of heights and actually loved to fly) They all used weapons and occasionally, used their powers. They were like a well-oiled machine. 

The army didn't notice, that Piper, Calypso, Leo, Joshua,  Adrian, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank were watching them in awe. Joshua, and Adrian scoffed, "We can beat them" The others looked at them in disgust, they used to be so nice, and now they were jerks. They had lost five campers because of them, and their lies. 


Annabeth and Piper rushed into Cabin three, "Percy! Jason" They called, searching frantically. 

"Jason! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" Piper yelled, hoping Jason would appear.

"Thalia! I'm sorry! Percy!" Annabeth called desperately, Hazel rushed in "Nico?" She shouted, 

Soon the entire camp was searching for Jason, Percy, Nico, and Thalia.  after almost an hour they gave up and sat down, and the lunch tables. 

Annabeth IM'd Frank, in hope that they their heroes were at Camp Jupiter. "Frank" she called, and  turned to her. 

"Hi Annabeth"  he greeted with a smile, that didn't quite reach his eyes. Annabeth explained everything, and he frowned. 

"I can't find Reyna either" was all he said. He explained how everyone hated Reyna, and they all thought of what could have happened. 

"Do you think they ran away" Someone asked, and murmurers spread it did seem logical none of their stuff was there, they were missing some ambrosia and Nectar. 

Immediately, they contacted the Hunters and Amazons. They hunters were upset when they heard their leader had run away, and the Hylla, worried for her sister, started a search for them. 

As time went on they began to lose hope, they had heard rumors of the 'Lost Heroes' that guided, demigods to camp, and suspected that it was  their Lost heroes, but soon even  the  Lost Heroes disappeared. They still kept an eye out when going on quests but assumed they were dead. Even the gods couldn't seem to find them. 


The army ,turned around surprised to see the demigods watching them. 

"That was awesome!" Leo shouted, and they smirked.

"Yes, I was rather amazing wasn't I?' Star said, in a teasing voice. the other solders, laughed and Storm slid an arm around er waist. The demigods blinked in surprise at the, 'emotionless, Stiff' Soldiers laughing. 

With only a nod of acknowledgment, the Army walked back to their cabin, not even seeming tired. 

"Ah" Blade said, sighing onto the couch, Gems sat next to him laying on his shoulder. The Soldiers, changed into normal clothes, and took of their robes. They placed a sound barrier and locked the doors. 

Forge pulled, out the first bored game, and Dove got sodas, and snacks. Soon they were all laughing, and yelling, when Blade cheated or when Scipio used her better than Athena strategies to win 

Hi Guys! I know this chapter is a short one, but I ope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for all of your support. I just wanted to let you know that me and my friend have a Quotev account called HarryPotterFanFics if you want you can check it out Thxs!

                     Nikki, Daughter of Poseidon

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