Chapter Two

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Together, the five of us walked together away from the camps we once called our home., and into the unknown darkness filled with monsters.


Percy's P.O.V

For weeks we traveled, we learned that the Hunters and Amazons were looking for us, so we never stayed in one place for to long.

Sometimes we ran into to other Demigods on the run, tested is they were Greek or Roman, by seeing whether they could speak Greek or Latin, and we would derelict them to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter. Whenever they asked for our names we just asked them to call us 'The Lost Heroes' (A/N Lol!).

We were running low on supplies, we still had weapons but with four children of the Big Three we run into monsters pretty often. Plus the weapons we got from the gods don't work anymore. I bet they disowned us after we ran away, and just came to their senses, it was actually Reyna that came up with this theory, not me. I guess I really am a Seaweed Brain. We're running out of Ambrosia and Nectar.

"Guys!" Thalia yelled, "We are out of Ambrosia!" Waving around the plastic bag that used to be filled with Ambrosia.

"We have a little bit of Nectar" Reyna said, walking out of our tiny tent, she held up a small bottle, that was hardly a fourth full with golden liquid.

'Well this can't get any worse" Jason said, grabbing Reyna's hand, did I mention they started dating. No? Well we saw it coming from a mile away. I groaned.

They all looked at me, "What?" Nico asked.

"You never say that, or it's bound to get worse! This is a catastrophe!" They glanced at each other and laughed.

"Wow Perce, didn't know you knew such a big word" Thalia smirked, They all laughed and, soon I joined with them. Even if we were low on supplies, we still had fun, and these guys were my family now. They were all I had left.


We walked, to my apartment. "I'm sure aunt Sally can help us!" Nico said.

"Yeah!" Thalia agreed, "Wait till you try her cookies Jason, they are the best!" Jason nodded, and Reyna looked amused to see us so excited. I walked up, and opened the door with my key, and I dropped at the sight I saw. I stumbled back.

Nico and Jason grabbed me, "Percy?" Reyna asked. Thalia walked forward and I could hear her crying. Nico walked up to her, and gasped he held her hand.

It was horrible, Mom and Paul, Dead. I don't know what happened, I didn't want to know. All I knew was I wasn't there to protect them. They were gone.


Jason's P.O.V.

I looked, and Percy worried. We looked as if lost in regret. He had been like this ever since we had been to his apartment, Nico shook him lightly he looked and saw us a looking at him worriedly.

"I'm fine" Percy said, smiling reassuringly, though it looked a bit forced. I wan't convinced but didn't push it.

"It's getting late" Thalia said, "We should get some rest if we want to move tomorrow" We nodded, and walked into our tent. I lay down and pull Reyna close to me, and she snuggled into me. I'm so glad I'm with her now, she is much better then Piper. I know she won't betray me. I drifted of into sleep, hearing her calm breathing.

GROWL! (A/N- I am not good at writing fight scenes I'm trying my best)

Me and the others woke up quickly with our weapons in our hands, after living in the woods for weeks we tried to keep our weapons by us at all times, and became light sleepers.

"What was that?" Reyna asked.

"I think it was a monster" Nico answers, we quickly run out, to see five gorgons.

"Take one each!" Percy yelled, going for one of the gorgons, he started fighting and a small hurricane formed around him. Nico and Thalia ran for two on the right of me, and Reyna on the left.

I ran to one holding up my Gladius, it slashed at me with it's talons and I dogged. I brought my Gladius down, but it dogged. I rolled to my side, and slashed with my Gladius and it exploded into dust.

I turned to see that, more gorgons had come we were outnumbered, I ran to the others and we were pushed back against each others backs. Beats of sweat were dripping down my back, I squeezed Reyna's hand, and together we all charged into, the monsters.

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