Chapter Four

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we walked into the swirling hole to meet some old friends.


Thalia's P.O.V

I couldn't believe how much had changed, Jason and Reyna were dating, I wasn't a hunter anymore, I joined Chaos's army,a d now we were going Elysium to get our friends.

"Where do you think they might be?" Jason asked, we turned to Nico, I liked him, but I'm sure he didn't like me back. I mean he just comforted me and nothing else. That's what friends do.

Nico shrugged, "I'm not allowed to visit Elysium, but knowing Bianca she will probably stay away from the crowd" He walked away from the people and we kept an eye out for anyone we know.

We walked to a beautiful field, there were flowers in every possible color, and I could hear quiet laughing and talking. I turned to it and what I saw surprised me. It was Zoe, Silena, Benckerdof, and Luke and Bianca, HOLDING HANDS! They were dating!

I turned to the others and they seemed just as surprised, I would have been mad, if I was still a Hunter. But seeing what Artemis said to me I was happy for them. Luke was like a brother to me, and Bianca like a sister.

"Bianca" Nico whispered, he lunged forward forgetting about his cloak, and hugged Bianca and we followed him.

Nico's P.O.V

Chaos's Army! I never thought I would ever be  doing this, and I never thought I would see Bianca again! I was so happy, my fingers curled around they small Hades Mythomagic figure I always kept with me.

"Where do you think they might be?" Jason asked me, I turned to them, Thalia, I'd liked her since I'd met her but she had joined the hunters. I was pretty sure that she liked Luke. I shook myself out of my thoughts and said,

"I'm not allowed to visit Elysium, but knowing Bianca she will probably stay away from the crowd" I remembered Bianca and me at the dance where me met, Thalia, and Percy she hadn't wanted to stay with crowds or talk to anyone, guess it's a Hades kid thing. Not that Hades is my father anymore.

I walked to a field, and I could hear laughing, I would recognize that laugh anywhere, it was Bianca's laugh. What I saw surprised me, it was Zoe, Silena and Benckerdof laughing with Luke and Bianca. They were holding hands! I was going to have to talk with Luke, after they joined the army. I snuck a glance at Thalia, and was pleasantly surprised to see her smiling in the direction of the couple.

"Bianca" I whispered, she was there, her dark hair was in a braid slung over her shoulder like it always was, she still had her bow and arrows from the hunters. I rushed forward, and hugged her, I could feel tears in my eyes.

Bianca awkwardly patted my head, oops! my cloak. I pulled away to see the five of them staring at us in question, Well I don't blame it's not everyday five cloaked people walk up to you and one hugs your friend. Luke seemed to be staring at me a little angrily, I couldn't help it I laughed.

"Do I know you?' Bianca asked

"Who are you?" Luke asked at the same time. I pulled down my hood and they gasped.

"Surprise?" I said weakly, Bianca hugged me tightly, until I couldn't breath, "Can't...Breath!" I chocked. She let me go and smiled sheepishly.

"Nico!" She exclaimed

"This is the famous Nico you won't stop talking about?" Silena asked. I waved.

"Nico!" Bianca said again, "Are you..?"

"Dead?" I asked. She nodded, I laughed, "No"

"But then-" Zoe started.

"We" I said motioning to the others, "are part of Chaos's army" Cue the gasps

"Yeah yeah" Percy said pulling of his hood, "I know we're amazing"

"Percy!" The shouted. Percy grinned ad gave a dramatic bow.

"We are here to ask if you want to join" I said.

"Of course!" They said, after thinking for a couple seconds. Thalia tossed them the cloaks, but she didn't lower her hood, since they weren't officially part of the army they couldn't see the others. Me and Percy put our hoods back up. WE walked back to the portal and saw that Hades was there.

"Da-" Bianca said, but I stopped her.

"We are recruiting for Chaos army" Percy said, as if daring Hades to stop them.

"Yes of course, have you seen Percy Jackson Jason and Thalia Grace Nico Di Angelo and Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano?" We all stop.

"No" I say coldly and we walk through the portal.


Hello everyone thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy! Just  so you know I don't ship Thaluke.

I love Solangelo and Percabeth. I just wanted to write this because it's something I have never done before.

-Nikki Daughter of Poseidon

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