Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hi Everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far! Pls let me know if I got anything wrong. Thxs!

Annabeth's P.O.V.

Today was the day that Percy, Jason, Thalia, Nico, and Reyna disappeared. They didn't even tell us they were leaving. We all felt horrible, and we wanted to apologize, but we couldn't find them anywhere!

Artemis, said she was wrong, and Thalia was still a hunter, and send the Amazons and Hunters to find them, we had a feeling, that the 'Lost Heroes' that directed the new demigods to camp, were them but we heard less and less as the months went by. 

Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades felt the worse, they had ordered for their own children to be killed. They sent people, and gods to find them but they couldn't. Since the gods had disowned their children, they wouldn't even know if they had gone into their realm.  

The Olympians plus Hestia, and Hades searched everywhere. But after months of searching we had all given up hope, and decided they were dead. four children of the big three would attract a lot of monsters. Though Hades said, he didn't see their souls in the underworld. Still, whenever the Hunters or Amazons were out, and we went on quests we kept an eye out of our lost heroes. 

    <---------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP---------------------------------------------->

Both camps, went to Olympus to see if anyone had seen anything, Camp Jupiter was already there, they had made Gwen praetor. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon didn't look very good. Zeus's hair was more grey than black, and Poseidon's hair was almost all grey. Hades had dark circles under his eyes, from looking for the missing demigods's soles in the underworld. 

"Did anyone find anything?" Poseidon asked.

Hades explained, how a while back while we was searching Elysium, people from Chaos's army had come to take some people for an army. 

"What's Chaos army?" I asked, I had never heard of it before. Athena explained what it was to everyone.

"Me and my hunters saw, a small camp. Their was a tent, and a small almost empty bottle of Nectar" Artemis said, she looked worried, everyone was worried. The Titans were rising, and winning. and this time we didn't have Percy, to help us win the war. 

I really felt bad for what I did to Percy, and Piper felt really bad for what she did to Jason. Adrian, and Joshua were such jerks now. They used to be kind and Charming. They were both pretty powerful, but not really. They had destroyed a Drakon together. I wish I could find him, if I could just apologize, I know he would take me back and we could be the best couple at camp again! 

"The camp looked abandoned" Artemis continued, shaking me out of my thoughts. That almost confirmed that they were death, we turned to Hades ti see if we had seen their souls in the underworld, but he shook his head.

Jut then a portal opened up! This had never happened before! Out came out 10 people, they all had, long black robes on with silver linings. The cloaks covered their faces o we couldn't see what the looked like, and they were very powerful. I could practically feel it radiating of of them, and it doubled when they saw us. 

The one that looked like the leader, and felt the most powerful muttered something, that sounded like 'Damn Chaos' and the others grumbled in agreement. They seemed to be having a silent argument when the leader stepped up and said,

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