Chapter Nine

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Hi Guys! Did you miss me? I hope you did, I'm really sorry, I haven't been updating. Now on to the story! Also let me now if you want other P.O.Vs and which characters.


The Chaos cabin, was now awake thanks to the alarm clock, Forge had installed. 

"Ugh" Bones groaned, as he groggily walked into the kitchen, it was to early for him. Everyone in the army was already dressed and ready. They all greeted him brightly, and he knew it was just to annoy, him. Lighting gave him a light kiss on the lips, and he was already more awake.

A knock was heard on the door, and everyone curiously looked at the door, Star walked up and opened, the door. Her fists clenched and instantly they knew that Annabeth was at the door, the army cautiously watched, from the table. 

"We wanted to know, if you would be joining us for breakfast?" Annabeth asked politely, not to anger the powerful solider. She craned her neck, to see past, Star but was disappointed when she was blocked.

Star hesitated, Chaos had ordered them to, try and fit in as best they could. "Yes" She said.

Annabeth smiled, maybe she could ask them more questions, like the others in the army, she found Star's voice very familiar. But before she could say anything the door was slammed shut. 

Star, slammed the door shut before Annabeth, could say anything else, she turned around and was bombarded, with many cries of protest. 

"Chaos told us to try and fit in" Star explained, after she had silenced, them by shooting a beam, of sunlight through, the cabin ceiling. unknowing to the campers outside watching in awe. 

They all reluctantly, left outside for breakfast, after Storm, had mended the ceiling. They all walked, to the tables, where the rest of camp was, and the Chaos table that had appeared when the cabin was made. 

They all got there food, doing the best they could to ignore they whispers that followed them. 

"Why aren't you sacrificing, to Lord Chaos, or the gods?" Leo asked, noticing that they were the only ones not to get up. 

"Chaos, doesn't like being sacrificed to"  Gems growled, the campers shrunk back, but noticed how they had all avoided, talking about the gods. 

After breakfast, the campers had nothing planned, suddenly gaining confidence they approached the Army of Chaos.

"Would you like to join us?" Piper asked, when they nodded, she let them to the beach where many campers were. 

"We would like to get to know you better, can we ask questions?" Annabeth asked.

"You don't to answer them all" Calypso added, hoping they would agree. 

'Should we?' Storm asked mentally.

'Might as well, don't want them to think we are spies for something' Blade said.

'and they might finally leave us alone' Dove said.

'and the whispering might stop' Scipio added.

"Sure" Thunder said, and they all beamed in satisfaction. Suddenly the gods appeared

"We would like to know as well" Athena said, the campers all bowed, but the Army stayed onthe ground laying casually. The gods said nothing, not wanting to scare them away.

"Are you guys siblings?" Malcom, asked pointing to Thunder and Lightning.

"We are, so are Bones and Gems" Lightning, answered. 

"Those can'r be your actual, names." Annabeth said, but it was a question.

"We will reveal, our identities the day we leave, but these are our code names" Scipio, said, and we all smirked imagining, the reactions of everyone.

"Are any of you dating?" Lacy, asked excitedly. 

Dove answered, "We all are Me and Forge are dating, same with Star and Storm, Scipio and Thunder, Lighting and Bones, Gems and Blade"

Aphrodite, and her children all beamed. 

"Do you have powers?" Annabeth suddenly asked, and they tensed, debating whether the should answer.

"Our powers," Lightning answered finally, and they all listened intently, not wanting to miss a word."are stronger versions of the gods" Our eyes widened, and they took this as a chance to elaborate.

"Me and Lightning, have Zeus' powers" Thunder said, and moved his pointer and thumb apart, and a line of crackling electricity,  was in between. Lightning, made a small cyclone of wind,  with her pointer. 

"Bones, and I have Hades' powers" Gems, making a diamond appear from the ground again, and having it swallow the gem up again. Bones raised his hands almost lazily, and a small bone appeared. 

"Hermes" Blade said, and zoomed away and came back before they could blink with an ice cream.

"Bellona, and Athena" Scipio, said drawing in the sand with her finger.

"Artemis, and Apollo" Star said, and shot a small beam of sunlight into the sky, the campers eyes widened recognizing seeing a larger beam, n the morning.

"Aphrodite" Dove said, examining, her now sparkly blue nails (she painted them every day)

"Hephaestus" Forge answered, a small fire blazing in his hand. The Gods eyes widened, the campers still in shock. After a few moments, thy turned to Storm, who was the only one that didn't answer. 

"Second most powerful being in the universe" He answered, seeing their questioning looks.  

"I think we broke them" Storm said, in an amused voice. The campers, and gods were suddenly of these new arrivals.

"You aren't going to hurt us?" a small camper, asked in a small voice. 

"not unless, you attach first" Forge said, the all relaxed, but took note of the hidden threat in the statement."  

"if that's all we will be leaving" Scipio said, and they all got up and left.

"We will have to be careful, around them" Zeus said, they all glanced, and the small figures in the distance, walking towards the woods. 


Hi Everyone! I am still busy, so might be able to update as regularly, I'm really sorry about that! Also I know this chapter sucks it was bit rushed, if you want other P.O.V.s I am taking suggestions. I hope you are enjoying this FanFic! Thank you for reading!

                   -Nikki, Daughter of Poseidon 

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