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Hello! This is sort of like a chapter, on what happened during their years in Chaos' Army. Comment if you want chapters on how the couples got together, or other couple moments!

- Nikki, Daughter of Poseidon


Storm's P.O.V

Chaos had called me into his room, So i put on my robes, and exited the room with a plate that said, 'Storm'. After we got our code names we all changed, our rooms.

I saw the rest of the army in the lounge.

"What's up?" Blade asked, slinging his arm over Gem.

"Chaos summoned me" I responded.

"Tell us what he wanted" Bones called, as I left to Chaos' room.

I opened the door, we had all been in Chaos' room, it had blue walls, and the ceiling and floor, looked like the galaxy, the furniture was all black and red.

"Hello Commander Storm" Chaos said smirking, it wasn't his usual smirk though, he looked more nervous.

I groaned, I hated being called commander, "Hello Lord Chaos" I said, bowing as low as I could go.

Chaos laughed, "Storm" he said, sounding nervous, "I wanted to ask you something"


"Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtobeadoptedasmyson!" Chaos said,.

"Umm...what?" I asked, not understanding a word.

He sighed, "I was wondering if, you wanted to be my adopted son" He said.

"Really!" I exclaimed, "I would love to!" Chaos already treated, everyone in the army as his children, he was a father figure for everyone. and now we would be my real dad!

Chaos beamed, he asked for my hand and cut both of us, my red blood, mixed with his golden Ichor. I could feel power surging through me, it felt like i was being crushed, when suddenly the feeling was gone.

"You are now the second most powerful being in the universe"Chaos said with pride, "You will have the same powers as me" he explained.

I snapped my fingers, and a mirror appeared, I smirked, this I could get used to.

I looked pretty much the same, except my once sea green eyes, now had specks of black, blue, white and red.

"You can go to the rest of the army, and explain" Chaos said

"Bye...Dad" I say, and he smiles.

"So?" Thunder asks. I explain everything and their eyes widen.

"Awesome!" Lightning cheers.

A/N: Hello! Someone asked me when I post. I already commented, but incase you didn't see that.

I try to post 1-2 chapters everyday, I have more free time right now, so I can confirm that I will post at least one chapter every other day. If I get busier, I will inform you, but that probably won't happen. Thank you so much for reading!

-Nikki, Daughter of Poseidon

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