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Hi, I was reading the comments you guys left -BTW, thxs so much for leaving them!- and a lot of you wanted to see the camps reacting to the note. So I did that I hope you enjoy!

"by the way, check under the Big House Ping-Pong table" Scipio said, and they walked into portal Storm created. 


"The Ping-Pong table?" Hazel, muttered. Soon they all were rushing over to the Big House Ping-Pong table. 

Annabeth bent down, and looked under the table, she ripped of a note, and read out. 

"Hello, Everyone, we wanted to let you know, Thalia, and Nico were not going on a date."

"Yet" Aphrodite, grumbled. 

"Jason, and Percy were the ones that really killed the monsters, and they had never stolen anything anything, it was Joshua and Adrian."

They all looked down guiltily, and glowered at the mention of Joshua and Adrian. 

 "Reyna was an amazing leader and you all had no reason to hate her."

All of Camp Jupiter looked ashamed. 

We don't feel welcome at the camps anymore, we are running away. Please don't try to find us you won't. And Luke was right, you gods will get rid of us all as soon as we are 'To Powerful' 

They all looked guilty, even the gods, even Hera looked remotely sad. 

P.S- Joshua, and Adrian, take care of Annabeth and Piper- Jason and Percy

Annabeth and Piper, looked ready to cry. 

P.P.S- Piper, you turned out just like Drew, Annabeth I expected better from you- Thalia, and  Nico

Now they were actually crying, some were looking at the girls in sympathy, but others were looking at them in disgust remembering what they had done. 

P.P.P.S- I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough leader for you all- Reyna

They all went silent as Annabeth placed the note back on the Ping-Ping table, the looked at where Storm had made the portal and their old friends had left them once again. 

Sooooooooo? What do you think? I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading, I will be starting a new FanFic soon thanks for reading!

                           -Nikki, Daughter of Poseidon

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