Chapter Six

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Storm's P.O.V- 1,000 years later (1 Earth year)

"Storm!" My wonderful girlfriend, Star called. I groaned and turned over. She pushed me so I was laying on my back,

I felt soft lips on mine, and reacted almost immediately. Deepening the kiss, I sat up pulling Star into my lap. I lightly brushed my tongue against her lips, but she didn't give me access, I knew she was teasing and she knew how much I hated it. I slowly moved one hand from her waist and into her hair and pulled on it, she gasped and I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

Star, slowly brought her hands down to my shirt, she started to unbutton on-


We jumped apart and straightened ourselves up quickly. I opened to door to see a smirking Bones holding his girlfriend, Lightning's hand.

"What?" I growled

"We wanted to see if you were up, after breakfast Chaos wants to see us. Something about a new mission" Bones said.

"Why don't you go bother Scipio and Thunder" Star complained, getting of the bed, I slipped an arm around her waist and said,

"We are coming" I walked to the cafeteria Bones, he kissed Lightning and followed.

I snapped my fingers before

entering the cafeteria, and I was in my robes. I walked in and Dove, Forge, Gem, and Blade were already eating.

In the cafeteria, There was one big table with 11 chairs (usually Chaos joined us) and to the side there was a row of every possible food you could imagine. I swear, I saw purple snails once. I walked over and grabbed a glass of orange juice and a stack of blue pancakes. And walked over to the table taking a seat next to Gem.

"Where's Thunder and Scipio?" I asked.

"The are coming, Something about taking a run" Forge answered.

" and Star?" Blade asked.

"Me and Lightning woke found her in Storm's room looked like-" I stuffed a forkful of pancakes before Bones could finish.

They smirked, "oh come on! Like we haven't caught you!" I yelled, and they went pink.

Just then Scipio, Thunder, Lightning, and Star walked in. Star sat next to me after getting her food and I gave her a kiss in the cheek. Scipio and Thunder sat next to Dove and Lightning next to Bones.

We had all become, like brothers and sisters and were very protective of each other. We were family and knew each other better than ourselves, and none of us hurt the others. Though Chaos had only adopted me, he became a sort of Father to all of us, and was way better than our godly parents anyway. He actually cared about us and spend time with us and didn't destroy us when we became to powerful. When we got Forge, Dove, Blade, Star, and Gems from Elysium, they decided that they were no longer loyal to the gods or camp, and that the gods were no longer their parents.

"What do you think the new mission is?" Scipio asked, taking a bite of her cereal.

"I don't know, I hope it's Planet 234" Forge said, We had a room, in the palace that's walls, floor, and ceiling were the real galaxy. Sometimes we would go in their and just look at new planets. Forge had found Planet 234, and wanted to visit it, Chaos had promised that he could visit, Planet 234, was full of forges, we are able to go anywhere, because we are part of Chaos's Army and are well known through-out the galaxy.

"Anything as long as it's not Planet 666 again" Thunder groaned, Planet 666, was a horrible planet, we had to stay for weeks, and there was hardly any food any water, and everyone treated us with such disrespect, even when we saved them.

We all groaned at the reminder of the planet.

The subject, soon changed and we were all taking, and laughing, eating out breakfast, forgetting about the new mission.

After breakfast, It was Blade's turn to clear the dishes, he ran at amazing speeds, I never even seen Hermes or Mercury go at, and clean the dishes, in a number of seconds. 

He smirked, and said "Come on lets go see what the new mission is" He held Gems hand, and we all walked, into the planning room. Like the planet room, as we called it, the planning room's table also had a map of the Galaxies, but was smaller, and only for planning purposes. 

Chaos was there and when he saw us he looked nervous, more nervous than when he had asked me to be his son.

"Hey dad!" I said, "What's the mission?"

"Hello Children"He said, warmly and we all smiled. "Come this way" He looked at each other we always discussed missions in the planning room, was something wrong with Void?

Chaos led us to a room, that no magic would destroy, we frowned but went inside.

"Your new mission" Chaos said, "is on planet 247" He looked at us as if we were a ticking time bomb, when suddenly Star realized.

"Chaos?" She asked cautiously, "isn't planet 247, Earth?" Realization dawned on us, it was Earth.

"What!" We all screamed, "Why are we going back there?! Lightning yelled.

Chaos eyed us wearily, "the Titans are rising again, and they have more monsters than ever, the gods and demigods won't be able to defeat them without our help"

"Then let them them die" Bones muttered, darkly.

Chaos sighed, "I know how much you hate Earth and the gods, but even you have to admit, that they are better rulers than the Titans"

"Barley" Blade muttered, but we all nodded, but I was itching to destroy a planet or something, i did that when I was mad. And by the others faces they felt the same.

You can break stuff now" was all Chaos said, and left. 

Screams of rage could be heard, Dove was shooting blasts of Love at practically anything, good thing it wouldn't affect us in this room though.

Forge, was blasting fire everywhere, and Thunder and lightning were electrocuting anything.

Bones and Gems were using the dead, and were destroying them and everything else, the air got considerably darker.  

Star was shooting blasts of moonlight from her palm, and Blade was running around in extremely fast circles you couldn't even see him.

Scipio, was hacking up a dummy, into pieces, and then the pieces into pieces until, it reformed.

I was blasting anything and making earthquakes.  We all stopped, and were breathing heavily, 

Guys?" I could hear Blade mind talk

Yes?' Bones answered.

Are we all gonna be okay?" He asked.

"We will be, we have each other" Scipio said, though I could hear she sounded worried.

"Hey" I said breaking the connection, we have a day lets have fun together, before we go to Camp Half-Hell." The all snickered at the name.

"Plus" Lightning said smirking, "I would love to see the gods faces when we are more powerful then them" 

"And"Star added, "Artemis's face when she see's three of her hunters are dating"

"And when they see half the arm is supposed to be dead" Gem finished.

 We smirked, oh this was going to be fun. 

Did you guys like it?! I hope you did thank you for reading!

-Nikki Daughter of Poseidon

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