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"Papa, can I ask you a question?"

He lifted his eyes from the chair that he was repairing and nodded.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Esther asked.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course, honey."

"Why?" She insisted.

"You're my daughter," he answered with conviction.

She frowned, "Of course you would say that."

She then stormed off leaving her father as confused as she was disappointed.

End of flashback

Richard Marcelin dialed Stephen's number for the tenth time? Or was it the eleventh? Maybe the twelfth? He couldn't remember.

The only thing that dwelt in his mind was Stephen's voice message the night before. He had informed him that Esther was back.

Esther! His only child! The one he thought he had lost forever! His weak heart soared do high at these news that he thought that it would cease its beating. He hadn't closed his eyes this night. He stared at the ceiling while his oblivious wife slept soundly next to him. He didn't whisper a word to her about his discovery. After all, she and Stephen were rehearsing for the church choir during the holiday. He would probably tell her.

He sat in front of his untouched breakfast with his hand resting on his open palms. The image that has been flooding his mind for the past years came back. Once again, he could see Esther in front of the door trying to make eye contact with him, counting on him before she disappeared in the night. She looked so frail in her pajamas, her hands clutching the hoodie he gave her, her messy curls wrapped in a scarf. Richard rubbed his forehead as if to erase this memory or at least ease the pain it brought.

He dialed Stephen's number once more. No success. He dropped the phone on the couch and tried to think more rationally. Of course, Stephen wouldn't answer the call in the middle of the rehearsal.

He looked at his breakfast. It was his favorite. Fried eggs with plantains accompanied with  Papaya juice. He ignored his mouth leaking and his stomach rumbling and push the plate aside. His head was resting on his opened hands when he heard the doorbell.

Richard didn't expect anyone and was almost sure that his methodical wife would not forget something. Nevertheless, he dragged himself to the door and opened it while stretching his other hand. He knew that he hasn't prayed the night before and not even in the morning. However, after he opened the door, he felt like God has found a way to his heart where his deepest desire was concealed. At the door, standing right in front of him, was... He couldn't say the word anymore. It was almost too good to be true. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion,  as if an eternity has passed before she was buried in his arms. It was not an embrace. They were looking for each other and chasing any doubt that seven years apart could have created.

"Papa," she whispered when she finally broke away.

He held her at arm length and said while his voice poured out emotions, "My little girl!" 

She laughed, "I'm not sure you can use this adjective anymore. I'm old now."

A young voice that Richard hasn't heard yet, added, "Yes. Mommy is not little. I am!"

Richard took a step back as Liyah showed herself.

"Papa, this is Aaliyah. Your...granddaughter." Esther said while gently pushing her daughter towards him.

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