Memory Lane (2×04)

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It had been a few days since the full moon and Elena and Godrick were at the grill talking about the girl's findings on their family.

"I still don't understand how we can be related to Katherine. The whole pretova bloodline has suppodly been dead since the 1500s."

Her twin just shrugged as he siped on his tea.

"Maybe a cousin survived or something. You know old familys. They get around, lose track of some of their members."

Elena was about about to make an other comment when an unwanted presence invaded the twins's booth.

"What do you want?"

The vampire wasn't detered by her tone. If anything it made him even more determined to annoye her.

"So, this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back."

Godrick had to snort at the remark.

"That is funny comming from you."

His sister shared the feeling.

"I tricked you into telling me the truth, that's not stabbing you in the back, it's using your own tactics against you."

Elena picked up her purse as her twin finished his drink and they stood up, ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"

The girl turned to face him a hard expression on her face.

"I made myself clear, Damon. I want nothing to do with you."

The twins were about to walk away when the vampire's next words stoped them.

"Okay. See you at Jenna's barbecue."

The siblings looked at each other, alarmed, before turning back to the older man.

"How did you know about Jenna's barbecue?"

They may have said it at the same time but their tone were very different. One was suprised and worried while the other was causious and threatening. Can you guess which is which.

"It was my idea. Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood so I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So I told Ric to tell Jenna and..."

Godrick narrowed his eyes as the vampire trailed of.

"You do know Jenna doesn't like you right?"

His words were condescending but Damon didn't take offense as one of the waitress of the grill came over to give him a cake box.

"Perfect. Thank you. I'm hoping this peach cobbler will pave the way."

Elena waited for the waitress to leave before adressing the annoying man in a hushed tone.

"What are you up to?"

Damon just smirked and got out of the booth.

"I'm gonna put some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove he is a werewolf. See you at the barbecue."

The twins watched him leave. This was not going to end well. The question was, for who?


The twins were in the kitchen while Jenna put out the food and Elena helped.

"Thanks for letting me invite Caroline. She could use a day of distraction."

Jenna gave her niece a side eye as she searched for the spoons.

"Well, she's not the plus one I'm worried about. Why is Damon coming?"

Heretic, #Stefan Salvatore Story#Where stories live. Discover now