Plan B (2×06)

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Godrick was on his house's porche swing reading the book on dark magic he had stolen from the Bennets when he reseved a texte.

K.P: 'I got it. Now it's your tunr.'

He put his phone back into his pocket with a satisfied look before returning to his book. He needed to get his hands on Emily's grimoir but Bonnie was the one who had it, and he didn't think she would let him have a look at it just because he asked.

Family grimoirs were precious, and very private. Each spell written down was personal so witches had a habit of keeping their family secrets to themselfs. Showing an ancestore's grimoir to an outsider was a big no, no, unless the situation absolutly called for it.

So he had to find a way to get acsess to the grimoir without the Bennet witch knowing. He didn't need the all book, just one spell and he didn't want to risk offending his witch friend by stealing from her so he was looking for something that would allow him to copy the spell of the book without actualy having the book in hand.

It was kind of like his transportation spell but the other way around. He didn't need to be send to the book's location he needed the book to come to him and stay there for long enough so that he could find the spell he needs. He already had a connection with Bonnie through the blood he had used to make the ink for his tatoo but he needed somthing else to ancor the book to his own location.

His tatoo was magical. He had taken a mixte blend of all his closest friends and family's blood before infusing it with a linking spell. His life wasn't linked to the people represented in his tatoo but he could feel when they died and he could use it as a sort of pulling beacon to transport himself to their locations in case of emergencies.

The only down side with his tatoo was that when someone died with vampire blood in their systeme or while wearing a resurection ring, he didn't feel it, that is why he didn't feel it when Jeremy came back from having his neck broken but if Caroline hadn't feed during her transition he would have felt her second death but not the first.

Anyway, back to Emily's grimoir. He already had a connection with it throught the blood of the Bennet line but he needed something to counterbalance it. When he teleported he didn't need a counter balance becaus he was using a shit tone of magic to make a small rip in the fabric of space and slipping through it before closing it and leaving the magic he used as a sacrifice in a way. Then he used magic again to make an other rip, using his tatoo as a beacon to guide him to where he wanted to go but the magic for that was vert templramentale and he had to use a ancor to keep the first rip ipen or he could end up stuck in limbo, and that was just bad for so many reasons, and he could use his ancor to pull him back to where he camr from.

The book however did not have it's own magic to offert as a sacrifice so he needed to send an object that did first before using the rips it had created to bring the book to him. Then he can send the book back with the his own magic through the already made rips and get his magical object in returne.

One of the problemes with that was he had no idea how much magic the object will need and he would only be able to keep the book for as long as the talisment still had magic so if it ran out to quicky he was screwed.

He had a lot of work to do.


Godrick was at the Lockwood's, unwillingly taking a break from his research to help with the set up of the masquarade ball. The power his sister had to get him to do what he didn't want to do was getting scarier by the day. So now he was here with Jenna as she talked to Mrs. Lockwood.

"Jenna, thanks for helping wrangle the volunteers."

The younger woman smiled.

"Of course, it's for a good cause. Plus, I have always been a sucker for the Masquerade Ball."

Heretic, #Stefan Salvatore Story#Where stories live. Discover now