Dady issues (2 ×12)

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The last couple of days had not been uneventful for Godrick. Rose had been bitten by a werewolf and died but that wasn't his problem. Yes he could have cured her if he wanted to but he hadn't even though about it, and by the time he did, it was too late. Elijah had not been heard from since he compelled Katherine to stay in the tomb and he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. But that wasn't what was putting him in a sour mood. John was back. Yeah!! Note the sarcasm.

Godrick doesn't hate his biological father, he doesn't, but he doesn't love him either. He is kind of neutral to the man. Grayson Gilbert had been his father and he doesn't need the other man to replace him.

With that in mind Godrick came down the stairs with his sister to talk to the man in question. John was in the kitchen making coffee and watching the news when he saw the twins come in, he turned the tv of and faced them with a smile.


Godrick ignored him and went for the pot of coffee. He served himself a cup as Elena questioned the Gilbert man.

"What are you doing here?"

John ignored the question and took the pot back from the eldest twin.


Elena wasn't in the mood to play 'dodge the question' though.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?"

John put the pot back on the table with a sight as Godrick sole it back, she was so stubborn, they both were.

"I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment."

The girl exchanged a look with her brother before crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at her 'uncle'. He hadn't exactly been very good at 'protecting' her so far.

"What do you mean that's all you can say?"

The older man just shrugged of her angry behavior as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I'll tell you more when I'm convinced, I can trust you."

That was hypocritical and Godrick was about to let him know just that when Jenna and Alaric came running down the stairs in various states of panic. As in Jenna was panicking and Alaric was teasing her about it.

"Oh God, I'm late."

That was the panicking.

"That's what you get for hitting the snooze three times!"

And that was the teasing, alas the cute banter had to end there as Jenna saw John in the kitchen.

"What the hell?"

John smiled at the woman's reaction and raised his coffee mug in greeting.

"Good morning to you, Jenna. Alaric..."

The woman looked between the man she hated and the twins before she spoke, a frown on her face.

"It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like, ever."

Again, John gave one of his condescending smiles and gestured towards Elena.

"Well, I got in late last night. Elena let me in."

Alaric, who was still frozen beside his girlfriend, pointed at the door with his thumb. He did not want to get stuck in the middle of a family dispute, so it was probably best he left now.

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off."

The other adults were a little too preoccupied staring each other down to notice him so he just gave the twins a smile and left. Jenna waited for the door to click shut before she broke the silence.

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