Chapter 3

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Italy nervously paced back and forth in his hotel room, asking himself if maybe he had been too reckless.He usually didn't try to do anything like that, but he had to admit that America's words had hurt him.

Maybe it was because he was right: The blonde was handsome, brave and strong.He never ran away from a fight, and no one was better than him when it came to fly a plane. America was anything but a coward, and he knew his confidence could even match Prussia's.

It's not like his own confidence was bad, but it was just nowhere near as strong as the American's.

Besides that, Italy knew something: he could be really annoying at time.Ever since he was a child, he had known it.And it's not like people made an effort to deny so.

Did Japan actually like him ?Was he still angry after that time he gave him a hug? Was he just too polite to tell him the truth?

He hoped it was just his brain being mean with him, but there was no way he could be so sure about it.

Trying to calm himself down, he remembered something important: there was no way America knew more about romance that he did.While maybe big brother France had raised him too, Italy had the advantage of having perfected his methods over time.

No girl could actually resist him, unless they were attracted to men in the first place. He knew first hand that his charm also worked on men, and he was going to be sure to use them with Japan.

The cute Giaponne...he maybe should've been bolder and kissed him some years ago, but he knew the stoic country wouldn't have appreciated that.

This was going to be one of the few times in his life where he was going to head into battle and not even think about running.Hell, he wasn't even going to make white flags: he was going to win Japan's heart.

America Vs Italy: Japan's heart will be mine ! Where stories live. Discover now